Archive for the ‘Sai Spiritual Showers’ Category

Tell Me! Do You Have Faith In Me?

He does the biggest miracle of transformation and this is the most miraculous ‘visiting card’ He ‘displays’ ever, for the attention of the world of devotees, for, each and every one stands with a chance with Him around, as The Supreme Master, OmniPresence as The Ultimate Presence. A beautiful incident from the life of Sri Bharat Dutt, a former student at Bhagawan’s Institute, extracted from Sanathana Sarathi, January 1987. read more »

“That’s My Job; I Will Do That.”

How gritty are you in the face of problems upsetting the rhythm of your day-to-day life? … and what is your Faith Quotient, that could help in times of adversities? …a beautiful narration of a personal experience by Smt Karunamba Ramamurthy in the book Sri Sathya Sai Anandadai is a lesson for you and me, lesson on Faith and Surrender. read more »

Timeless Message For True Truth Aspirants…

The day man leaves everything unto Him, in absolute surrender, he is sure to witness a major miracle, wherein He will take over, carrying the devotee in His Arms, helping him to complete the drama of life, back unto the Source . A beautiful piece of ‘awakening-writing’ by Sri SD Khera with His priceless promises. read more »

Reading without Practising is Useless

Blessing the Book Trust of Prasanthi Nilayam on August 24, 2007, Bhagawan delivered an exhilarating Divine discourse, outlining the roles and responsibilities for the publishing house, publishing good books taking Eternal Truths to the masses, to the devoted ones. Excerpts from the discourse wherein Bhagawan speaking on the importance of practice. read more »


Some years ago, a devotee from Qatar, upon his return journey from Prasanthi Nilayam, had a transit halt for some hours in Dharmakshetra, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai’s Abode in Mumbai. Sharing his Christmas experience at ‘Prasanthi’, the devotee said then, “We had a fabulous Christmas in Bhagawan’s Presence, and the Day started with 21 Omkars.” read more »

Sarvam Brahma Mayam

Long ago, when Adi Sankaracharya walked the Earth, he first declared, “Brahma Sathyam Jagat Mithya”, meaning, Brahman is the ever-unchanging, everlasting, eternal principle, and the world is an illusion that keeps changing. read more »

A Christmas Story Of Transformation

It’s Christmas time again!!! With the joyful arrival of the holy Christmas comes the fondest memories of the ‘Father-Son Duo’ of The Holy Divine Father and the ‘Prince Of Love n’ Peace’, Jesus Christ. Over 2000 years after the epochal arrival of the Son on to the planet, as we celebrate the occasion once again, let’s now ‘listen’ to an exciting tale of transformation happened in the physical presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai at Dharmakshetra in Mumbai, on a Holy Christmas Day. The article is sourced from Bhavan’s Journal, November 1975 issue, a fortnightly devoted to life, literature and culture. The author of the article Sri S Ramakrishnan was the Founder editor of the Bhavan’s Journal. read more »

“God Is The Only Real Friend”

Can fleeting connections on the face of the planet, be it within the family circle or beyond, be termed as ‘Relationships’? Deluded he is, man often claims to such connections, claiming them to be real. How often he gets it wrong, that sooner or later a gentle tap comes from the Greater Heaven, telling him that, ‘He and He Alone Is The Real Friend, and None Else’. In the case of Ms Vibha, she was infinitely  blessed to hear the same from The Lord Supreme, Who chose to educate her with the message in person. Read on an interesting episode as narrated by Ms Vibha Gajjar from Nasik, alumna at SSSIHL, from the batch of 1978-81. This article is extracted from the 95th Birthday release, Sai Samipyam, by the 1978-81 batch of alumnae at SSSIHL, Anantapur Campus. read more »

God’s Address

A true devotee with conviction in the deep heart will repeat most optimistically that ‘He has seen God and He lives in Prasanthi Nilayam’. The same devotee when he climbs ladders of higher spiritual realms will vouch that ‘God Is Everywhere’. Is anyone interested in knowing The Address Of God? Once in Prasanthi Nilayam Bhagawan engaged His students in this topic, finally validating His OmniPresence. Read on Dr PV Shankar from the United States dwelling on the same. Extracted from his preface for the recently released book ‘Sai Antarvani’. read more »

Revealing Light

A self-ignited passion for conquering higher realms of consciousness led her finally to The Master Supreme, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai, with Whose blessings she got meticulously engaged in a search for her Inner Truth. As she traverses the path today, living in Prasanthi Nilayam, she is confident that The Road is Ahead… The Light is On…, and her journey is proceeding. … A tribute to the blessed womanhood on the blessed Ladies’ Day! This article is by Smt Sudha Chakravarthi, sourced from a private publication titled ‘The Lotus Path – Walking With Sai’, released in Prasanthi Nilayam some years ago (2007) during the occasion of Ladies’ Day.  read more »