Archive for the ‘From Kasturi’s Pen’ Category

I Am The Air Raid Warden
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
A tall claim! What does He mean by saving my life?… wondered Gogoi, perplexed, looking into Bhagawan’s Eyes…. and then He revealed… I Am The Air Raid Warden… an interesting episode from the life of Gogoi, from Prof N Kasturi’s book – Sathya Sai Baba – God In Action…
Posted in From Kasturi's Pen, Reflections, Sai Spiritual Showers

Anthaa Swami Daya…
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
It is not easy for a simple God fearing village housewife to assume the mantle of “Mother” of the Avatar and recognise in her “son” the incarnation of the Divine. How Easwaramma faced this difficult situation and gradually came to realise the extraordinary role of Bhagawan is described by Prof. Kasturi in his book, “Easwaramma — The Chosen Mother”. As devotees from far and wide came to Puttaparthi to adore Baba, Easwaramma got new insights into the Divine attributes of Baba. Describing this phase in the life of Easwaramma, Prof. Kasturi writes:
Posted in From Kasturi's Pen

The Mother as an Apprentice…
Saturday, May 4, 2013
How dearly the simple village woman in The Chosen Mother, Easwaramma, loved her ‘Bundle Of Joy”, often failing to grasp the Truth that He was verily the source and sustenance of the world and beyond. Unassuming and full of motherly love, Easwaramma, the Mother who cradled Him… nursed Him – Who was verily Her delight, would often worry about the safety and security of Her Avataric Son when He often crossed the borders of Prasanthi. Read on how the Mother cared for ‘Her Love and Light and Delight’…from Kasturi’s Pen… read more »
Posted in From Kasturi's Pen

Baba and the Animal World…
Monday, April 1, 2013
“We, to whom the animal world is different and dumb, have to learn, just this one lesson, by observing Baba’s affection for them: never to harm any living thing, for our sustenance or pleasure; never to lose an opportunity for lessening the suffering or pain of an animal brother of ours” writes Prof Kasturi in the November 1958 issue of Sanathana Sarathi, narrating the illustrious bond of Love between the Creator and His four-legged creations. read more »
Posted in Animal and Nature, From Kasturi's Pen

“Is this your faith after all?”
Saturday, February 9, 2013
“Sarvathah Paanipadam”, meaning His Hands Are Everywhere; His Feet Are Everywhere is imbibed by us from the Song Celestial, Bhagavad Gita, but not with absolute faith. Bhagawan Who is The Supreme Teacher gives the right dose at the right time instilling greater faith in devotees, often leaving the world aghast at His Omnipresence. Read on a narrative from none other than Prof. N. Kasturi, the illustrious chosen biographer of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai, explaining how he and Dr. Bhagavantam, scientist of repute, were tested for their faith in the Omnipresence of Bhagawan on two different occasions… read more »
Posted in From Kasturi's Pen

Kasturi Experiences Omnipotent Sai…
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Does Bhagawan require a letter to get to know of a devotee’s problem? Answer is a firm “No”. All knowing God that He is, He does not require a letter from a devotee to get to know of his problem. Letter to Swami was this modern-day Avatar’s uniqueness, yet another sign of His supreme munificence. Before the letter reaches Him, even before the letter is written, Bhagawan knows the contents in a devotee’s heart. Prof N Kasturi writes how he personally witnessed such an incident inside the interview room proving Bhagawan’s omniscience. read more »
Posted in From Kasturi's Pen

“Yaa Devi Sarvabhootheshu Mathru Roopena Samsthithaa”
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
An advent divine took place in Puttaparthi, the Divine Abode on Earth in Prasanthi Nilayam…an Incarnation of Shiva and Shakti, worshipped now as Sathya Sai is She…Who has come to set you and me free… She is the Shakti ever present inside us all, Who responds to our distress call…with Navarathri 2012 coming to a close shortly, let’s peep into our Beloved Bhagawan’s illustrious facet as ‘Mother Divine,” an article by Prof N Kasturi. read more »
Posted in From Kasturi's Pen

Farewell to a ‘dirty’ habit…
Monday, August 6, 2012
There goes a saying, “Old Habits Die Hard” meaning existing habits are hard to change. When Bhagawan is personally involved, the act becomes instantaneous. Read on how Prof Kasturi got rid off his dacades-long ‘vice’ companion. An episode from the Professor’s autobiographical account, Loving God. read more »
Posted in From Kasturi's Pen

“…this Swami cannot be understood through books”
Monday, July 30, 2012
This Swami cannot be understood through books, revealed Bhagawan to Prof Kasturi in a ‘circumstantial context’ where in the Professor was summoned by Bhagawan. The incident could be marked as an intentional Divine Drama that sowed the seed for the first publication, after Sanathana Sarathi, from Prasanthi Nilayam, Sathyam Sivam Sundaram, narrating His Story. How Bhagawan orchestrated the entire episode, subtly guiding the writer to pick up an apt title for the book, while revealing the profundity concealed in those three sacred words, beginning with the letter S. An extract from ‘Loving God’, the autobiographical by Prof. N. Kasturi. read more »
Posted in From Kasturi's Pen, Sathyam Sivam Sundaram

“It does not matter if he is not a ‘devotee’…
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
In 1957 Bhagawan was on a short tour of the North to rejuvenate the celebrated shrines and holy places located there and to make them powerful by restoring their pristine glory. But though it looked as if it was designed to bring joy and happiness to a deserving few who had the good fortune of being selected to accompany Him, the visit unmistakably met a greater aim of fulfilling the ‘Thapas’ of His ardent devotees over many births. Let Prof. N. Kasturi, Bhagawan’s biographer, tell us the story in his inimitable style. read more »
Posted in From Kasturi's Pen