Archive for 2016

Happy Birthday In Prasanthi Nilayam…

The Unique Graciousness That heard the collective plea of unbounded intensity when chose to answer, responded in a most incomparable fashion, descending HimSelf with Almighty powers – revealing HimSelf as The Lord Of All Gods… Sarvadevataateeta Swarupa. …And the dotted day  was 23rd November 1926. read more »

23rd November 1926…Celebrating An Incredible Blessing…

Unique Graciousness of the Greater Heaven in response to the yearning intense of multitudes resulted in what can be called The Supreme Advent, on the 23rd Day Of November, 90 winters ago.  As the day dawns in a few hours from now, Sri Jullie Chaudhuri catches up with the pulse of what can be called - the Immeasurable Heavenly Blessing , singing paeans unto Him… The Lord Supreme. A poetic offering on the auspicious occasion of The Advent Of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai. read more »

Rang-e-Mohabbat… An Inspiring Convocation Drama…

When the whole world seems to be going upside down, depriving one, then one tends to raise his hands up, seeking solace in Him and Him alone and it is at this moment, God walks into the hapless one, adding His charisma of splendorous hues… As the 35th Annual Convocation Drama of SSSIHL unfolded today, it was this enticing ‘Colour Of Love’ that was in the offing this evening here, in Prasanthi Nilayam. The presentation was entitled, Rang-e-Mohabbat. read more »

XXXV Annual Convocation Of SSSIHL…

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (Deemed to be University) held its 35th Annual Convocation at Sai Kulwant Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam in the Divine Presence at 10:30 a.m. As the university turns thirty-five, the event is a testimony of how the education model, based on values-based education at the university level has stood the test of time and continues to thrive. read more »

SSSIHMS – Sri Sathya Sai Is The Heart Of Medical Science…

The hospital mission that was born out of the Sankalpa of The Lord Supreme, projecting the same as a role-model for the world to emulate is at 25 today. Commemorating the grand occasion, Team SSSIHMS presented a special dedication at Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet this evening on the story – genesis and legacy – of Bhagawan’s ‘Temple Of Healing’. read more »

Prof Anil Kumar’s Inspiring Speech…

Wisdom gained out of close, long association with Bhagawan in the physical came to the fore this morning as Bhagawan’s chosen translator Prof Anil Kumar addressed the Prasanthi assembly this morning sharing invaluable teachings, lessons and experiences at Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet. read more »


“I am also one of you who is trying to work for humanity; let’s exchange lessons from each other and make health care a better Health Care facility in coming times”,  were the inspiring words suffused with great humility and dedication by the Hon’ble Union Minister For Health & Family Welfare, Sri Jagat Prakash Nadda this evening here, in the Divine OmniPresence at Prasanthi Nilayam. read more »

Twin Inspiring Speeches…

Inspiring speeches by two of the International Sai Organisation office bearers was the highlight of the morning session today, in the ongoing 91st Birthday Celebrations of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba here, in Prasanthi Nilayam. read more »

Glittering Ladies Day Evening…

The unmatched glory of womanhood enveloped Prasanthi and the Sai fraternity today. On the auspicious Ladies Day occasion, after an enlightening morning session, a beautiful multi-hued evening ensued here, studded with a scholarly speech and two cultural offerings. read more »

Ladies Day Morning In Prasanthi Nilayam…

November 19 is International Ladies Day in Prasanthi Nilayam and for the Sai Fraternity all over the world. Ever since its inception in the year 1995, calling for greater women participation in social and spiritual revolution in their role as feminine energy, November 19 has been the dotted day in Prasanthi Calendar when womenfolk comes active celebrating the day in His Divine presence. read more »