23rd November 1926…Celebrating An Incredible Blessing…

Unique Graciousness of the Greater Heaven in response to the yearning intense of multitudes resulted in what can be called The Supreme Advent, on the 23rd Day Of November, 90 winters ago.  As the day dawns in a few hours from now, Sri Jullie Chaudhuri catches up with the pulse of what can be called - the Immeasurable Heavenly Blessing , singing paeans unto Him… The Lord Supreme. A poetic offering on the auspicious occasion of The Advent Of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai.

Soaked in a cesspool of material malady,
Mother Earth was enveloped in a colossal dearth,
And thus she sighed, cried and waited with bated breath,
For the Advent of Sathya, of Truth a sacrosanct birth,
So too did Time yearn and let its heartfelt aspirations set sail…
…for good times to prevail…
…for truth and righteousness to reign once again…
Countless beings kept beseeching -
When will we be celebrating an Incredible Blessing…?

Encircled in layers…
…Heaven shook with the profound prayers…
…of the pious, the meek, the troubled…
…the harassed, the distressed as well as the wise,
…and those ever so devout…
…their earnest need lay bare beyond any doubt,
Of compassion there was a severe drought,
Humanity lay slack,
Human hearts did love and loving kindness lack…
A collective plea reverberated through the ether…
…to the Supreme Sovereign it was urgently sent…
…a profound request for a Glorious Advent…
…a Divine Descent for the benefit of mankind…
…that man may find the way to be kind…
… cleanse and purify their mind…
…then on rejoice in celebrating an incredible blessing…

Time had witnessed the Royal Presence of Sri Rama,
Then too, the Magnificent Appearance of Sri Krsna,
Now it desired to be enchanted once more,
Thus, gathering a zillion incantations…
…it knocked intently at the Cosmic Door,
God’s Presence on Earth seeking to invite,
That all may exult in sheer delight…
…celebrating an incredible blessing…

Gracious was the response,
The Absolute One chose not one but a triple incarnation,
And at Shirdi was the first manifestation,
Replete with the most holy substance and sacrosanct essence,
The Divine Consent blessed many a fervent invocation,
Puttparthi was bestowed with a Divine Benediction,
A supremely beauteous Celestial Expression,
Hitherto unknown to any part or person in creation,
The Creator, the Ultimate Source,
The Monarch of the Cosmos,
Chose to bless earth and grace her populace,

Even as musical instruments did play…
…on their own a melody so fine,
…each ray of the early morning sun did softly shine,
…the environment did intone and resound with Aum…
Before long an astounding moment did dawn…
…that had the Lord tenderly drawn…

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai was born…
The Beloved Lord chose to be born…
All that was mean and dreadful were commanded to – Be Gone…
…smiles now replaced the faces of those woebegone and forlorn,
Now the chronicles of earth would forever chant and sing -
23rd November 1926…Ceaselessly Celebrating An Incredible Blessing!
We now intently…intensely seek from deep within our core…
…an encore…an encore…an astounding encore…
…that we may once again ecstatically participate in celebrating…
An Incredible Blessing…

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II