No War, Know Peace… Know War, No Peace…
Monday, January 20, 2020
Humanity, now at the crossroads, should ‘Know Peace’ while decrying a firm “No” to war…writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri advocating an expansive ‘God-ward’ living shunning away all the negatives, all that are not desirable… read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Swami Advised Him To Read ‘Sanathana Sarathi’
Thursday, January 16, 2020
How many of us are into ‘following’ Sanathana Sarathi, Prasanthi Nilayam’s sacrosanct spiritual journal, that had its inception in a Divine Resolve of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai more than six decades ago? Do we realize that Bhagawan’s every single resolve is aiming at uplifting humanity to the highest level of SAI consciousness? read more »
Posted in Reflections, Sai Spiritual Showers

Annual Sports & Cultural Meet of Sri Sathya Sai Institutions held
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Here is an institution that bears The Name of The Foremost Of All Teachers, Who identified HimSelf as ‘The Teacher Of Truth,’ ‘Aham Sathyabodhaka.’ Through His unique value-based educational reforms that He set in motion way back in the late sixties, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has given a unique, unparalleled curriculum that promises all-round development of every single student in His ‘portal’. As an extension to this specialized training, true to His famed saying, Bend The Body, Mend The Mind and End The Senses, the institutions hold its annual feature of sports & cultural meet, precisely on 11 January, every year. read more »
Posted in Reports

Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu – The Divine Whisper
Thursday, January 9, 2020
She once asked me with all-motherly concern and virtuous wisdom, and with all-out love for her ‘Beloved Mother Sai’… reposing faith in His pronouncements…, ‘have you ever understood the purport of the Mantra, Samastha Lokah…, that Bhagawan modified and given to us.’ Until that moment, it was yet another happening in His Presence, worthy of announcing to the world, though I was very much personally seated in The Mighty Presence, watching the transition. …And ever-since this ‘motherly nod’, it has been a different journey for me, understanding the purport in letter and spirit. read more »
Posted in Lest We Forget, Reliving Timeless Memories, Sadhana Aradhana, Sai Spiritual Showers

“Vinipisthundhaa?” do you hear Me?
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Over 5000 years after the epochal Advent of Bhagawan Sri Krishna in the Dwapara, …over 2000 years after the Advent of the proclaimed ‘Son Of God’, Jesus – The Christ, over 90 years after the epochal Advent Of The Sampoorna Avatar Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai, how much have we heard, learnt, imbibed and assimilated to mend our ‘humanimal’ ways of living? Are we on the right track? …the track that leads unto Him? read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

O! Sai Maa…O! Mother Sai…
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
When He Is identified as the Aadhar, every moment, every new attempt and every thing that is New becomes a gift from Him and thus our infinite affiliation to Beloved Mother Sai. Welcoming The New, Year 2020, as we move on, let’s pray to our Beloved Bhagawan to find His Divine FootStep as a blessed duet in every single moment of our lives. A poetic offering from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Oh! Lord, Illuminate 2020…Elevate Humanity…Manifest Divinity…
Monday, December 30, 2019
Ringing in The New – 2020, welcoming the New, we have a collective plea to The Supreme Sathya Sai, beseeching a special blessing of His Darshan. Welcoming 2020, writes her poetically, ‘Come, shine that long awaited Grace, That will save man from the embrace of disgrace’. A poetic prayer of fervent hope from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Oh! Jesus…Continue To Walk Amongst Us…
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Holiest of the holies, Holy Christmas is back again. It is time to celebrate the advent of Mother Mary’s Holy Bundle Of Bliss, the birth of Baby Jesus. As we run into the Festive Day, what do we have for The Chosen One, what prayer we have for Him, Who in His devotional surrender became one with His Holy Father, only to show the mankind what life is and how it should be lived in His Name… becoming one with Him. A poetic offering by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri on the festive eve.
Posted in Say It Poetically

Love That Conquers…
Saturday, December 21, 2019
His Is verily The Form Most Adorable, entrancingly charming, filled with Truth, Goodness and Beauty, all the virtues that human minds can attribute, yet way beyond all attributes, transmuting everything unto verily His own!… one may simply call Him… Love!!… Love That Conquers!!! This matchless ultimate Avatar of all times, Who is verily Formless Attribute-less Para Brahman, Who Is beyond any comprehension and description, Who Is way beyond the vagaries of human mind, Who cannot be contained by even the Vedas, Upanishads and all the scriptures, can be best described and named aptly as Prema Swaroopa, Love Embodied God. read more »
Posted in Indelible Impressions, Lest We Forget, Reflections, Reliving Timeless Memories

The Holy Bundle Of Bliss
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Such an infinitely blessed life… that of the Holy Bundle Of Bliss of blessed Mother Mary, Jesus…The Christ, Whose life was an infinitely blessed Song Of His Flute, full of Love and Compassion, Who, finally taken upon ‘himself’ the accumulated sins of the whole world sacrificing his personal self, embracing The Divine Self… as Bhagawan pronounces, the state of Adwaita. Jesus has always been ‘a chosen one’ for Beloved Bhagawan, The Lord Supreme, Who often projected ‘him’ as His chosen ‘messenger’ for the world to watch and emulate. Once again as we embrace the ‘holy advent’ in the Christmas week, let’s recapitulate on the essential Sai message of the three vital spiritual stages of the rarely blessed life on Planet Earth. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers