Archive for the ‘Reflections’ Category

Sai Maa – The Akhanda Jyothi of my life…
Thursday, February 2, 2012
With silent messages and simple gazes when Beloved Bhagawan sets human values ablaze in many a heart, of the Balvikas cadre, it turns out to be an epochal happening where human hearts are lit with the effulgent eternal flame of His all-conquering love, resulting in blossoming human excellence…There are stories aplenty of such transformations…Read on Balvikas alumnus Dr. Revathi Jaisingh from Kerala narrating how Beloved Bhagawan touched her heart, bringing in the transformation. read more »
Posted in Reflections

Tell me about Sai Baba…
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
“Amma, Who Is He?” If your little ward had posed this question unto the mother in you, how would you have responded answering the little one? It is in fact, a mother’s biggest puzzle and rarest privilege; puzzle to make her way through to the little heart to engrave the Truth about the Lord walking on two feet, rarest of the privileges for a mother initiating her little one unto the greatest spiritual persona. A loving American Mother had styled her introduction to the blossoming little ones about the mighty living Truth, God walking on Two Feet, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, as published in Sanathana Sarathi, March 1973. Read on…
Posted in Lest We Forget, Reflections, Sai Spiritual Showers, Straight From The Heart

Relevance of Swami’s Education in my life in the corporate world…
Friday, January 27, 2012
Does being a student of Sri Sathya Sai make a big difference? The answer is a straight “Yes”. How does our Beloved Bhagawan inspire His students, molding them into individuals who can claim to be different from the big lot…? Read on C. Gopal Rao, an MBA from batch 1990 of SSSIHL, who shares his ‘secret’ of success in life, from a Sai student’s perspective. The writer rightly concludes, revealing that, Bhagawan’s Institute taught him to think and Bhagawan taught Him to live! (The article dates back three years). read more »
Posted in Reflections

Love Unbounded…
Thursday, January 19, 2012
The Love of a thousand mother – is how Bhagawan’s love is often described by many. Among the millions and billions of devotees around the world, His students are the rarely privileged folk who enjoyed close proximity of their “Swami” and thus the Love of a thousand mother. Let’s catch a glimpse of one such incident, happened over two decades ago, as chronicled by Sri RJ Rathnakar, a former student and currently functioning as a trustee of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust. The article was originally published in Sanathana Sarathi, Nov 2011. read more »
Posted in Reflections

“I Am in you…you are in Me…don’t forget that…We cannot be separated…”
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Hollywood screenplay writer Arnold Schulman had the privilege of experiencing Bhagawan early in 1960’s. How Bhagawan brought this New Yorker into His fold, who otherwise was a hard nut to crack, failing to accept Bhagawan’s Godhood or Divinity. Read on an extract, about the interesting episode, from his book entitled “Baba”. read more »
Posted in Reflections

Divine Omniscience…
Friday, January 13, 2012
Bhagawan’s myriad expressions of Love, Omniscience and Divinity are experienced by devotees the world over in varied fashion, proving time and again that He and He alone is The Lord in their hearts, Who listens to their heartfelt submissions. ‘His Students’ are ‘His Properties’ who are the chosen ones to experience His close proximity and thus stories galore of His Love, Omniscience and Divinity. Read on a beautiful recountal, of an interesting episode with Bhagawan, by Sri N. Sudhindran, a former student at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. read more »
Posted in Reflections

God is present in everyone in the form of The Atma
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
How many of us follow the age old adage “live and let live” and how many of us make a sincere effort to live our lives responding to the moment in accordance with His teachings? Having been fortunate to come under Bhagawan’s Supreme Love, most rarest of heavenly boon, are we not obliged to transform into Cosmic Beings, showing Care for Life, Concern for Nature, Love and Reverence for all Creation sans any reservations… read more »
Posted in Animal and Nature, Reflections

Oh! 2012, It’s between Me and You and the Higher Self…
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Pilgrims in the Sai Path we are, that we are on the threshold of yet another New Year, Year 2012, the year for Truth to reappear. Waiting at the doorstep of the New how do we gear up to embrace the New Year? With the need of the hour well defined, to trudge tha path with a Universal Outlook, it is time to establish the universal prayer, “Samasta Lokah…”, beforfe beseeching Him to grant us His darshan. So, let’s gear up with palms joint in prayer and a soul deep in communion, praying to Beloved Mother Sai reaffirming that We need Him and Him alone. Read on a golden heart’s expressions while waiting to embrace 2012…as expressed by Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri… read more »
Posted in Reflections

Carols in the Rain…
Friday, December 23, 2011
When the Holy Christmas revisits once again to the Abode of The Lord in Prasanthi, instances of His benovolence, Grace Supreme are many, ready to burst forth from many a heart drenched in Sai’s Love…In the year 1987, Christmas Eve was virtually turned out to be a ‘Baptism In Rain’ as the mighty Lord allowed the rain Godess to shower Her grace upon the evening’s choristers singing His glory…Read on a thrilling account of the evening… read more »
Posted in Reflections

Face The Face In The Mirror…
Monday, December 19, 2011
To rectify the world and put it on the proper path, we have to first rectify our conduct and ourselves.
‘When transformation is gained, you will find that you have travelled only from yourself to yourself, with God all the while in you, around you, with you and beside you.’ – Baba
Posted in Reflections