Archive for the ‘Lest We Forget’ Category

Month Of Giving And Forgiving 2019 – A Period Of Awakening…

The month of March 2011…held a lot in its tender bosom…that spilled into April 2011 too. For, a Divine Decision rocked the Cosmos, the Earth particularly and rendered all beings, the environment hapless and helpless. None can fathom His Ways…we can only accept, introspect, inspect, churn the inner core…and offer our all as a dedication to this most Supreme of all Incarnations, Whose Life was and remains His Message…and…await a response in silence. Until then, may His Compassion be our mission…with a prayer…sincere and true – Santushti for Samastha Srushti…Peace and Contentment…Kindred Harmony for all of creation…for this definitely pleases the Creator, thus speaks the collective devout hearts in the run up to the Sadhana Aradhana month.  read more »

The Tiger Skin Story From Prasanthi Nilayam

When He walked the Earth as Sri Sathya Sai, every moment with Him turned out to be a lesson, lesson in watching Him ‘walking His talk’, making His Life His Message for everyone to follow. Long ago during His teen days, Bhagawan encountered an English hunter at Uravakonda, who sought after Him for His magical help in starting his stranded vehicle in the forest. …And Bhagawan left him ‘enlightened’ asking him not to shoot any more wild beasts, advising him to shoot them with his camera. …And thus the story of Bhagawan’s tiger mat in the bhajan hall in Prasanthi Nilayam, as narrated by Prof Kasturi in ‘Sathyam Sivam Sundaram’. While reading this, one need to understand the inner significance of the tiger skin in spirituality. Tiger skin is symbolic of conquering animal, beastial tendecies or vasanas in man. 

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Cheppinattu Chestara???

Decades ago, as young Sathya, Bhagawan staged a drama of value-oriented message titled ‘Cheppinattu Chestara’, asking the ‘worldly’ around, as to whether they follow their words with appropriate deeds, practising Trikarana Suddhi, unity in thought, word and deed. Time and again during His sojourn on earth Bhagawan would send timely reminders for the man to follow suit. read more »

Hail, Holy Mother, Mother Easwaramma!!!

He searched for a womb as pure as ‘pure’ can be… and His eyes fell on her… The reference to ‘He’ is pointing towards the ‘Supreme Most’ Divine Persona creation has ever witnessed, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai and the other person reference is about His Chosen Mother – Mother Easwaramma. The Prasanthi Reporter joins the fraternity of devotees from the world around commemorating the most adorable Mother – Mother Easwaramma on the occasion of Mother Easwaramma Day, 6th May, 2020.  read more »

Sai Vani Is Sathya Vani…Sathya Vani Is Sai Vani…

Love Is My Form, Truth Is My Breath…thus pronounced Bhagawan defining HimSelf long ago. When Sathya becomes the Sustaining Force for the Form, and Sai becomes His Name, Sathya Sai truly stands for The True Truth, the Ultimate Source of all wisdom. Unfathomable Divinity He Is that human kind can never successfully perceive His True Truth, but can only to follow the path to Become & Be! How often we speak about Him, extolling His ‘Beauty Beyond Compare’ True Truth at a level of human understanding?!? read more »

Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu – The Divine Whisper

She once asked me with all-motherly concern and virtuous wisdom, and with all-out love for her ‘Beloved Mother Sai’… reposing faith in His pronouncements…, ‘have you ever understood the purport of the Mantra, Samastha Lokah…, that Bhagawan modified and given to us.’ Until that moment, it was yet another happening in His Presence, worthy of announcing to the world, though I was very much personally seated in The Mighty Presence, watching the transition. …And ever-since this ‘motherly nod’, it has been a different journey for me, understanding the purport in letter and spirit.  read more »

Love That Conquers…

His Is verily The Form Most Adorable, entrancingly charming, filled with Truth, Goodness and Beauty, all the virtues that human minds can attribute, yet way beyond all attributes, transmuting everything unto verily His own!… one may simply call Him… Love!!… Love That Conquers!!! This matchless ultimate Avatar of all times, Who is verily Formless Attribute-less Para Brahman, Who Is beyond any comprehension and description, Who Is way beyond the vagaries of human mind, Who cannot be contained by even the Vedas, Upanishads and all the scriptures, can be best described and named aptly as Prema Swaroopa, Love Embodied God. read more »

Manasa Bhajare…

With this first-ever message to humanity, He spilled out The Secret For Liberation… Now, man must remember that every recurrence of 20th Oct is a ‘SaiLent’ reminder to him to revisit His ‘first-ever’ message to make ‘’Manasa Bhajare…’ one’s life-breath and . . . beyond!!! read more »

Sri Sathya Sai Darshana Mahotsavam…

For whom much is given, much will be demanded, thus ‘claimed’ our Lord Supreme! How many of us live and relive Him with every breath and beyond, The Beauty Beyond Compare, Bliss O’ Beauty, Sri Sathya Sai? He came, walked among and thus filled and fulfilled hearts infinite, withe incomparable beauty of His Darshan. Yet another Darshan Story from sacrosanct Prasanthi Nilayam, for you and me to live and relive.  read more »

OneNess – The Mantra Of True Truth Aspirants…

Ekoham Bahusyami – the most authentic Indian scriptural declaration about the process of creation indicates that in the ‘beginningless’ beginning The One chose to become many. The Big Bang theory of the western philosophy also points towards the same truth, of The One multiplying into many. The term ‘Oneness’ points towards The One without any second, call it Totality or The Absolute. Isn’t it the beginning of the ‘beginningless’ beginning? If one subtly observes the created world around, the answer becomes quite clear that, there is no second thing, except The One. To understand this man has to exercise a reverse engineering process, turning himself inward, instead of being focused on the illusory, hallucinatory world around. read more »