Sai Messages On Love And Service…

The Youth Wing Of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations – Andhra Pradesh concluded its 2-day Parthi Yatra this auspicious Yugadi evening on a positive note, presenting an inspiring dance drama in Telugu entitled, Virisina Karunyam, meaning ‘Blossoming Compassion’ at the Sanctum Sanctorum in Prasanthi Nilayam.

The presentation in 2-distinct episodes highlighted twin service themes of ‘Aartha Jana Seva’ and ‘Your Life Is My Message’.

Sai Messages On Love And Service…

An accidental scene nearby the local Sai Samithi brings in a couple of Sai Youth in action, despite the oddities of the world around, saving life precious, delivering the social responsibility message on ‘road safety rules’.

Sai Messages On Love And Service…

Episode -2 brings in a protagonist, a hapless boy from a poor backdrop who aspired to become an IAS officer. English being the language of reckoning, the boy was sent for special tuition to a teacher who was greedy for more money. After initial admonition for being late and not presentable, even as the teacher mellows down, the flash news comes to the class, of the sudden accidental death of his only surviving parent, father. Having got inspired by the message of Bhagawan, conveyed through the Love In Action by the Sai Youth, the teacher now comes forward to sponsor the future education of the aspiring young lad, saying he is inspired by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai’s teachings. Truly He will be proud to whisper and announce openly,  ‘Your Life Is My Message’.

Sai Messages On Love And Service…

The presentation was set in the backdrop of Vaikunta, wherein Lord Narayana was met by an ever-pleading, ever-inquisitive Narada, to know the mystery behind the Sri Sathya Sai Avatar, Whose magnanimity seemed to be overflowing, blessing one and all. Lord Narayana clarifies, saying the deserved ones alone gets His darshan , explaining later,as to how His devotees’ lives become His message.

Sai Messages On Love And Service…

A musical bouquet by the Sai Youth next ended with Mangala Arathi to Bhagawan.

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II