This Diwali…Radiate Love, Peace…Kindred Harmony…

Diwali marks the celebration of victory over evil. With the advent of Diwali it is time for man to look in to him to clean up the darkness within praying fervently to Beloved Bhagawan to awaken us to Inner Abundance, enriching our rhythm writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri…


…And so,
The city of Ayodhya was being spruced up,
For the Divine Homecoming…
The residents joyously took to…
…sweeping, scrubbing, washing and cleaning…
The streets, the market,
Each and every dwelling place…
Oh! So naturally…
…of dust, dirt and grime one could find no trace…
…every pebble sparkled, so did each stone…
 To welcome the Lord…
…rangoli folk art and…
…earthen lamps…
…decorated and lit up all hearths and home…

Till this day the celebrations continue…
So much attention to the outer appearance,
Yet, what of the ‘inner view’…
…that which signifies the real you…?
Have you tried at all to view that homecoming too…?
Have you tried ‘coming home’ to you…?

Is it black, gloomy and endlessly murky,
Like a dark moonless night…
…unyielding through ages…
…to the enlightening dawn of light…?
Is it free from rabid thoughts and dreary habits…?
Where dissension slits,
And arrogance feeds greed and the fire of conflicts…
Can you herald in illumination…
…without repairing the many short circuits…?
When only the outer is spruced up,
But the inner is left out…
When of love and ethics…
…ethical living and selfless loving…
…there is a drought,
When conscience and scruples lose their clout…
Contentment remains vague, opaque, elusive,
And restlessness forever abounds…
The mind will never be free from fear, apprehension and doubt…

Along with traditional festivity,
During Diwali…
Should we not earnestly attempt,
To trim, spruce, tidy and align,
Aspects of the personality,
That hitherto faced neglect…?
The certainty of that…
…which ‘seems’ so very perfect…
Yet in reality remains perfectly imperfect…
Inspect, reflect, selectively select…
…let go, forgo, grow…
While doing so…
Spare a thought for other beings within the environment…
In accordance with -

Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu,
With kindness, value and consideration all lives imbue,

Surely there can be a celebration sans pollution…?
Augmenting for humanity a much needed breakthrough…

Oh! Goddess Supreme…
Divine Mother Lakshmi,
Beloved Consort of Sriman Narayana…
We are indeed blessed to know…
When the Formless One…
…for the sake of creation…
…determined to assume a Form…
It expanded as…
Narayana – Lakshmi…
Brahma – Saraswati…
Shiva – Shakti…
As a most exalted and elevated benediction,
…together the unity of Prakriti and Purusha…
…fascinatingly chose to advent as -
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba…

You, Beloved Mother,
Are the pinnacle of transcendental beauty…
So too…
…of opulence, affluence, plenty, plentitude and velvety bounty…
You represent that ever sublime apex…
…an inimitable acme…

Awaken us to the inner abundance,
Enrich our rhythm…
…and balance our substance…
Oh! Most resplendent Goddess,
Your Presence is our fortune…
Oh! Sovereign Mother…incomparable is Your luster…
…and so too Your shimmering splendour…
…bestow upon us this enchanting boon…
…with You thus…we yearn to commune…

…guide, guard and assist us transcend, ascend and attune…
…negative traits help us negate and prune…
So we may transform…witness an expansion…
…encircle all beings and widen our circle…
…accept, adjust, appreciate…live and let live,
Hearts that endearingly give and forgive…

Dear Mother…none can be as gloriously effulgent as You…
While no one can match Your benevolence…
…this is true…
Come, Oh! Thee with the most dazzling Countenance…
Loving Mother Divine…
…confer a life of significance…
…replace the paucity of compassion…
…and the darkness of ignorance…
…bestow meaning to our existence…
We plead Thee…for fragrant sentiments…
…and inner prosperity…
So that we may celebrate this Diwali…
…beaming…gleaming…distributing and circulating…
…care, concern…empathy…accord…and amity…
…and then on consistently…
…continue to radiate love, peace and kindred harmony…
…connecting to the spirit…a soul connection…
Only then it will be a befitting and true commemoration…
…of that yet to be Divine Homecoming…
…and a right royal Happy Diwali…

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II