Diwali in Prasanthi Nilayam…

4 November 2013: Celebrating Diwali, the festival of lights marking of victory good over evil, devotees from Gujarat under the auspices of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations Gujarat offered a variety of cultural programme last evening here in Prasanthi Nilayam. Hundreds of devotees from Gujarat joined the Parthi Yatra for three days celebrating the occasion.

The programme commenced at 1700 hrs. with an introductory speech by the State President Of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation Sri Manohar Trikarnad. Offering heartfelt gratitude to Bhagawan for His benevolence that allows the State to celebrate Diwali in His immediate Divine Presence for the 11th year in succession, Sri Trikarnad further elaborated the service activities being done in the State by the Organisation.

The first that followed the speech was a classical song presentation entitled “Sai Sur Malhar…”, composed on Raag Malhar, an ancient Indian musical raga. Sung by the youth girls of the state the song was a fervent prayer to Beloved Mother Sai seeking His eternal blessings.

Garbha folk dance, celebrating the ‘Coming Of The Beautifully Adorned Goddesses’ from the heavens was the next item, performed by the girl students of Sri Sathya Sai School, Surat.

The main programme for the evening, a musical dance drama entitled “Raah-Path to Sai’s Abode” by the Youth and Balavikas of Gujarat followed next. The drama was a fictional theatrical entertainer portraying the wielding power of ‘Karma’ that haunts man from life to death and back. Depicting a light-hearted  story featuring Yamalok, the world of Yama Dharma Raja, the drama presents the bare truth that none escapes the consequences of actions on planet earth and based on our karmic balance one is either rewarded or punished once he leaves his mortal frame. Sathya, the protagonist in the drama, after initial rebellion finally turns to listen to Yama Dharma Raja’s advice only to seek Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai’s help to redeem his future life to live an ideal life.

The programme ended with a Bamboo Stick Folk Dance entitled “Raasado” by the boys from Ahmedabad.

Bhajans continued and ended with Bhagawan singing “Bhaja Govindam…Bhaja Govindam…”

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II