Posts Tagged ‘Pilgrimage’

“Joy of Living”, Christmas Decorations 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas is one of the biggest Christian holy days celebrated throughout the world. Though it is celebrated in almost the same way in all countries, there are still some old unique customs which differ form country to country.
The aim of the Balkan South European countries led by Croatia that took up this monumental task was to present this wonderful event describing the birth of Jesus in a way which will be familiar to all Christians. They also wished that the warmth of Christmas touch even those who don’t observe Christmas in their cultures and just to make it even more interesting, they had to conjure up a bit of Croatian Christmas. read more »
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Memorable Christmas in Prasanthi Nilayam
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Come Christmas and there is joy everywhere! Holy Christmas has a rich tradition in Prasanthi Nilayam, The Abode of Highest Peace. Traversing through the Sai Saga, the festivity earned its due Divine splendour, as in Prasanthi it has always been Christmas with Holy Father!!! read more »
Tags: Concert, Festivals, Photos, Pilgrimage, Speeches, Student Programmes
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Vijaya Chaitanya Parthi Yatra by Vizianagaram District
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Over 1300 Devotees from Vizianagaram arrived in Prasanthi Nilayam on 22nd Dec 2011 on a 3 day pilgrimage. They conducted a Mahanagar sankirtan ( a congregational chanting of the Holy Names) on the 22nd evening outside the Ashram. read more »
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Devotional Singing Programme by Southern Europe
Monday, December 19, 2011
Over one hundred and eighty devotees from the South European countries Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina arrived early in the Christmas season for they have been given the unique privilege of decorating Mandir and the rest of Prasanthi Nilayam this year. Along with that they also had the yearning to sing and cry out their feelings to Bhagawan. The opportunity was gained by them on the 20th of Dec 2011. read more »
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Music Programme by Youth from Paschim Banga (West Bengal)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The North Eastern State of Paschim Banga arrived in Prasanthi Nilayam on 13 Dec 2011 for a 3 day prilgrimage to the Divine Abode. Over 200 youth got the opportunity to perform a music programme in the Divine Presence, on the 14th evening. After the state vice president, Sri Sujit Prasal Lahiri offered a flower to Bhagawan, the narrator, Sri Brijesh Bamalwa presented the youth to Bhagwan and expressed his deep gratitude for the opportunity. The group presented six most beautiful and songs with apt introductions to each. read more »
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Gujarathi New Year in Prasanthi Nilayam
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Celebrating Gujarati New Year Balvikas Children from Sri Sathya Sai School, Surat enacted a drama entitled “Living in Sai’s Omnipresence” on 27th Oct evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. The presentation was an attempt to portray some of the true incidents, as testimonies, to His Divine Presence! read more »
Tags: Dance, Functions, Photos, Pilgrimage, Skit, Videos
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Cultural Programme by Odisha Balvikas and Youth
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Odisha has had a long and loving relationship with Prasanthi Nilayam with Bhagawan having a special soft corner for Sevadal from the state. The youth and Balvikas from the state have come on a special pilgrimage in which they have volunteered to be of additional service in the way of ashram cleaning and other chores. They also held inspiring sessions participating in singing and lectures by Ashram elders.
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“Rama Raajyam Sai Samraajyam”, Drama by Tamil Nadu Balvikas and Youth
Friday, October 7, 2011
In the evening of October 7th , there was a Drama by the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, Tamilnadu entitled, “Rama Raajyam Sai Samraajyam” (The kingdom of Rama, The empire of Sai). The drama was preceded by a dance performance by children dressed colourfully in yellow and pink with the backdrop of a song encouraging us to listen to the sacred story of Ramayana. read more »
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“Sai Harmony”, Music Programme by UK Youth
Friday, October 7, 2011
On the calm morning of the seventh of October, after the pleasantly hectic days of Dasara, Prasanthi witnessed a soothing performance by youth from United Kingdom who have been part of the Annual Grama Seva ever since its inception. The programme entitled Sai Harmony started at 0800hrs with Vedic recital. At 0815, the youth sang the stotram, “Brahmanandam Parama Sukatam…”. This was followed by a melodius song by Ms. Charlotte who then went on to play a Bhajan Medley in the Accordion and a Sitar rendition by Ms. Rupinder accompanied by Sri Manjeet on the Tabla.
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Parthi Yatra by Prakasam District
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Devotees from Prakasam District got their opportunity to perform their annual pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayam this week. A speech and a Carnatic music concert comprised the first day’s programme. A skit entitled ‘Seva Aradhana’ was presented on the second day.
The programme commenced with Vedic recitation at 1630hrs. At 1700hrs, Sri. Sriramamurthy, District President of Prakasam District addressed the gathering. He started his speech enumerating the contribution of Prakasam District to the culture of Bharath, to its society and the holy mission of Bhagawan. Conveying his salutations to the various temples of the district, and expressing gratitude for the various industries it houses, he reported on the activities of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations in the district.
Tags: Concert, Photos, Pilgrimage, Skit, Speeches, Videos
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