Reflect & Repledge – A Poem

What does Bhagawan’s mission entail? It may mean different things to different people, but the core remains the same – Selfless Service and Sacrifice and a life based on the principles of Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema,and Ahimsa in thought, word and deed. ‘Prasanthi’ is the expansion of peace. Prasanthi Nilayam is within all of us, blazing forth the harmony of universal brotherhood that Beloved Bhagawan represents. And so, right at this moment let us all re-pledge our lives and pray to our dear Lord, that we may be guided always by Him to be befitting instruments of this harmony and for the restoration of Prasanthi. read more »

Let Not A Moment Pass By…When I Don’t Yearn For You… Oh! Beloved Mother Sai

While attempting to be one with the nature when one looks around everything turns into orange, radiating golden rays of hope, imparting greater lessons for man to imbibe. A trip to the high altitude Himalayan Valley, the enchanting Valley Of Flowers in the Garhwal Himalayas is always exciting and spiritually elevating. When devotional height reaches its zenith with Mother Sai enriching the devoted heart, there ensues a conversation with the five elements as the poet ventures to seek ‘the five’ of the secret behind their purity despite oddities all around…A poem from Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »

I gave you so much, still you need anything?

Sai Maa has always been the bestower of ample opportunities in life for everyone. She never takes anything in return except love. Even after receiving so much, that too in abundance from Her, we still crave for more, more and more! Whether it’s in dream or in real life, we tend to ask Her as much as possible, if blessed with an opportunity….and i am no exception! …writes Ms. Varsha Chandrasekhar, an alumnus from the Anantapur Campus of Bhagawan’s University. read more »

WORRY Bhagawan’s Recipe…

Worry is a mental agitation wherein human mind gets engaged in negative emotions ruminating over the past and the uncertain future. How often man uses this term, ‘Don’t Worry,” quite mechanically, without imbibing the purport behind it. …And how man can get rid off this devil that eternally haunts him? Dr.T.Jareonsettasin from Thailand shares his perceptions that he received directly from Bhagawan. read more »

“…this Swami cannot be understood through books”

This Swami cannot be understood through books, revealed Bhagawan to Prof Kasturi in a ‘circumstantial context’ where in the Professor was summoned by Bhagawan. The incident could be marked as an intentional Divine Drama that sowed the seed for the first publication, after Sanathana Sarathi, from Prasanthi Nilayam, Sathyam Sivam Sundaram, narrating His Story. How Bhagawan orchestrated the entire episode, subtly guiding the writer to pick up an apt title for the book, while revealing the profundity concealed in those three sacred words, beginning with the letter S. An extract from ‘Loving God’, the autobiographical by Prof. N. Kasturi. read more »

Divine Pastime…

When God is the Supreme Creator, Who presides over every activity, He alone can authentically speak of His creation, His veritable pastime. Bhagawan has often made profound revelations about His projected creation and His role as the Master Creator. God initiates men into innocent, tender, loveable and loving childhood, and what do men do in turn…Read on as Sathya Sai Speaks on His creation…From Sanathana Sarathi archives… read more »

The Power Of Pure Love…

Who is Sathya Sai? How should one account for His psychic powers? Has mankind ever understood Him and His benevolence of Divine Darshan in its fullest extent with due respect and reverence? …And is it possible for myopic human vision to restrict this Almighty citing Law Of Nature and other humanly perceived barriers? He Himself had said once, five decades ago in 1961, …”This has been the case, in all ages; people may be very near (physically) to the Avatar, but they live out their lives unaware of their fortune, but exaggerating the role of miracles which are as trivial when compared to My glory and majesty, as a mosquito is in size and strength to the elephant upon which it squats. Therefore, when you speak about these `miracles’, I laugh within Myself out of pity, that you allow yourself so easily to lose the precious awareness of My reality.” Read on an interesting article by Kalidas Mukherji, published in Sanathana Sarathi, March 1977. read more »

An Emperor’s Taste…

Likes and dislikes are but fancies of the moment; the mind wavers, flits from one thing to another. One has to realise this and be steady, adhering to the good and avoiding the injurious, says Bhagawan narrating a beautiful story from the life of Mughal Emperor Akbar. read more »

Helping Hand at Himalayan Heights…

What would you do if you were caught up or trapped in an uncanny situation in a secluded place where human intervention was least expected? A sincere prayer with total surrender is the lone way out. How would God respond to such a prayer that comes with ‘Other than you, refuge there is none” attitude. Often He allows one to take on the challenges, trudging the first step, and in the nick of time when the last-ditch effort by the human fails, He makes His ‘guest appearance’ as is narrated below… an incident  from the diary of a former Civil Servant, as published in the January 1975 issue of Sanathana Sarathi.

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Experiencing The Presence…

Responding to anguished cries from prayerful hearts The Lord manifests Himself in a trice, in His own inimitable, mysterious fashion, bringing along with Him His comforting Grace, reaching out to the desperate hearts. Connie Bolens from El Salvador, once in her moments of trial, called Him out from her deep heart and lo! He responded…Read on an interesting account from Sanathana Sarathi, July 1989. read more »