Sathya Sai Baba…The Eternal Phenomenon…The Epochal Revelation
Saturday, November 21, 2015
He…Who Is inscrutable, inexplicable can be ‘easily’ defined as That, which is beyond the ken of our minds… From a mental level, we may call Him, The Totality… That Is The Cause for everything… What has He done to you and me…? In the run-up-to the 90th Birthday of the Supreme Persona on Earth, Sri Jullie Chaudhuri reminds our readers that, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, The Eternal Phenomenon and The Epochal Revelation is leading us to Sathya Sai Civilisation. read more »
Posted in Celebrating The Advent Supreme..., Say It Poetically

Prasanthi Nilayam And You…
Friday, November 20, 2015
Prasanthi Nilayam is the Home that represents the Ultimate Lord’s Divine Vision of an ideal united world …And this is the Prasanthi Nilayam that the whole of His created Universe has to be to transformed into… She, in all fairness, represents a minuscule of His Divine creation, with all the wonderful attributes. When you go deep, you will know that, Prasanthi Nilayam is not a geographical territory, but is your very essence, your own heritage and your soul will be delighted in this wondrous rendezvous, while simply reflecting on Prasanthi Nilayam. As the countdown for the D-day is decimated to #2 today, let’s fondly remember our Beloved Prasanthi Nilayam, that She was chosen to host the Ultimate Divine on planet Earth, as Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai. Let’s be grateful!!! A beautiful poetic adoration by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Celebrating The Advent Supreme..., Say It Poetically

The Earthly Tutor…And The Cosmic Coach
Thursday, November 19, 2015
If Earthly Mother becomes the first teacher for a child, she turns an ideal one when she leads her child towards the Ultimate One, The Ultimate Lord. Bharatiya Cculture is replete with stories of such ideal mothers, who, with their powerful character, could guide their children to greater ‘Divine’ destiny. How many of us in the modern world dare to look back with awe-inspiring gratitude towards our physical mothers, for the world of good she has brought upon us, by being the an able instrument in connecting each one of us to the Supreme Source. Here is an inspiring tale of acknowledgment from a grateful daughter, who, dares to look into Swami’s Lotus Eyes and repeat, ‘She taught me to value You…eternally grateful am I…that You sent my soul to her womb and through her…I returned to You! Then, there was no looking back. I watched her keenly…and I chose to follow You wholeheartedly.’ …Sri Jullie Chaudhuri writes about her twin mothers of influence, physical and Cosmic, with a heart full of gratitude on the occasion of International ‘Sai’ Ladies’ Day. read more »
Posted in Celebrating The Advent Supreme..., Reflections

He Is Forever…He Is Space…An Eternal Divine Embrace…
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
A devotee, while in His journey unto Him, first may feel forlorn, seeking in the depth of despair ‘the solace’ he is ‘hunting’ out for. After His sweet ‘testing and tasting’ phase when the Lord chooses to reveal, his senses start revealing Him, slowly, gradually, finally embracing His beloved child unto His bosom, revealing HimSelf all over… in and out and everywhere… Sri Jullie Chaudhuri writes about this unique feeling of achievement, of meeting Him in one and all and everything… read more »
Posted in Celebrating The Advent Supreme..., Say It Poetically

My Dream Is You…My Destiny is You…
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
There is nothing to pretend, there is nothing to hide, all i have to… is lovingly and adoringly affirm my dream, that my dream is You, that my destiny is You… writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri, echoing passionate words of dedication and devotion at Beloved Mother Sai. Yet another beauty of poetic Adoration… read more »
Posted in Celebrating The Advent Supreme..., Say It Poetically

When…Dear Father When…?
Monday, November 16, 2015
For Mother Earth to become a real haven, humans ought to acknowledge His Divine Will… following the Religion of Pure Love… speaking in the language of the heart… Every progressive minded, peace loving person on Earth can pose a question unto Him, asking… When Swami… When… When will He reign on us supreme??? …with less than a week to go for the D-day, celebrating The Advent Supreme, a poetic piece from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Celebrating The Advent Supreme..., Say It Poetically

Through Lifetimes We Have Awaited Thee…
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Aching hearts do cry, seeing the world not toeing the line, inviting disasters unlimited… seeing the man-made folly. If not now, when we will beseech Him, implore Him, seeking to correct each one of us, rescuing His creation. Mankind has to pray fervently with all out heart, most selflessly, seeking Him to set us free…. taking a cue from the pages of His Story of yore, we need to sing paeans galore, wooing Him intensely, as the world needs Him now more than anytime before. …a dedication at His Lotus Feet from all of us, through the lines of Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Celebrating The Advent Supreme..., Say It Poetically

An Intonation Timeless And True – Akhanda Bhajan
Sunday, November 15, 2015
With the Sai fraternity world-over engaged in 24 hour non-stop Bhajan Sadhana, an institution that was set decades back aiming at Universal Peace and Harmony, let’s delve into the glories of this great institution that was instituted by non other than The Avatar Of The Age, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba…a poem by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri on the Timeless Intonation called Akhanda Bhajan… read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Have You Looked Into The Eyes Of God?
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Every single soul flocks to Prasanthi Nilayam comes with a million-dollar aspiration, to look into the Eyes Of The Lord, an eye-to-Eye with The Lord Walking The Earth. It is this precious priceless moment, that lasts to eternity leaving many a life time falling away in a split moment, serves the soul with a boost to quench its thirst for Eternal Truth. Recalling that moment of spiritual ecstasy Sri Jullie Chaudhuri rhymes describing the heavenly worth drawing every seekers attention to the heavenly boon of being in The Presence of Beloved Mother Sai for an eye-to-Eye, Who ever reciprocates to earnest prayers with a Divine Glance that lasts to eternity. read more »
Posted in Celebrating The Advent Supreme..., Say It Poetically

No One Else But You!
Friday, November 13, 2015
If the only real relationship is that between the Creator and His Creation, then, as His creation we are all One. Thus, let us live as one and Love all, Serve All. Help ever Hurt Never! … writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri, contemplating on the need to reform, to build in that One Only relationship with the One and One Only, The Supreme Creator as Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai. read more »
Posted in Celebrating The Advent Supreme...