Archive for the ‘Say It Poetically’ Category

O! `TIS…

What does a birthday signify to the human folk?…, and if it is The Divine BirthDay, then how does it connect to the folks who claim to belong to That Supreme One, Whose ‘Advent’ they celebrate with devotional frenzy? Every single devotee reserves freedom to view and celebrate such an occasion sans any reservation, in his/her own style. …And so was Karunasri, Sri Jandhyala Pappaya Sastry, a Telugu poet of eminence. Karunasri’s poetic imagination on His Advent decades ago had excelled to that exalted level that, Prof Kasturi had compelled himself to translate the same from Telugu into English, for ‘Sanathana Sarathi’. Read on a beautiful poetic version of The Advent Day magic of The Ultimate Divine!!!!!!
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Aham SathyaBodhaka

Aham Sathyabodhaka, declared The Mighty Lord Supreme long ago, defining HimSelf on planet Earth, reminding the mankind of His ‘Mission Sri Sathya Sai’. During this sacred season of holy Guru Purnima, let’s ‘re-mind’ ourselves, tuning deep in,  remembering Him and recapitulating His…, His Sathya Bodhanam, Bhagawan’s True Truth Preaching, that reminds every single jeeva of his/her true nature, true goal, that is I Am…!  read more »

What Best Should I…, Oh My Lord!?!

Facing a situation, call it unprecedented, how do I pass this phase, facing the same off, while doing My Best? When I had this thought-provoking stream of introspection, I have decided to pen them calling it a prayer from my heart, an offering to My Beloved Inner Source n’ Force, Lord Supreme Sri Sathya Sai. read more »

A Sacred Sprinkling Of Thy Grace Divine

Facing the oddity of a lifetime and more, humanity is on the brink of an uncertain tomorrow, knowing not the escape route. Yet, for the ones who are ‘surrendered’ to The Supreme Sri Sathya Sai, the answer comes simple, that he or she needs to rely on Him, seeking His benevolent grace, His Sacred Sprinkling Of His Bounty Of Divine Grace.  

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Sri Sathya Sai Darshana Mahotsavam

The rarest heavenly beauty of Sri Sathya Sai Darshanam! It is hard to speak in words and express; instead, one has to experience it. When one experiences, it turns out to be s a ‘heart 2 Heart’ rendezvous with The Lord, with tears of gratitude roll down for the mighty heavenly boon called Sri Sathya Sai Darshana Mahotsavam. How many of us still cherish those golden memories, of Him, the Lotus-Eyed Lord, emerging out to the accompaniment of serene instrumental music, gliding past, floating along, with His love-filled eyes open wide conferring rarest of blessing onto humanity?  Recapitulating the Unique Graciousness, Sri S Ganapathi rhymes on the beauty called ‘Sri Sathya Sai Darshanam! Sri S Ganapathi was the winner of the International Poetry Contest held in 1990 by The British Council in India and The Poetry Society (Delhi).

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Of Whom All Scriptures Speak

The beauty of His Form, the grace of His demeanour, and the supreme bliss of His ‘Beauty Beyond Compare’ Darshan – are beyond any human expression… a million feelings arise from hearts many, rejoicing in Supreme Bliss of His Darshan, Of Whom All Scriptures Speak… a poem from Denise Eversole, Santa Barbara.  read more »

He Is Closer Than The Closest!!!

How close you want to be…with Him… Beloved Lord Supreme? Man, an earnest spiritual aspirant, in his destined drive through his life sojourn, when at the appointed hour bumps into The Descended Supreme, often falls flat for Him square and fair, overawed by His beauty beyond compare cosmic effulgence, loving Him as his Beloved. In this love unsullied, he looks at Him in deep devotion, accepting the duality, often not recognising the True Truth that this Divine Effulgence is The Light with which he is verily alive… is verily the awareness with which he knows that ‘he is… read more »

Put-Apart-I… Puttaparthi’s ‘SaiLent’ Reminder…

Come November, it’s the month of joy supreme celebrating the most astounding Advent… of Lord Supreme on the planet… it was precisely on the Ardra star in the Telugu month of Karthika that He resolved to descend as Sri Sathya Sai.  As Nov 16 comes with the tag of the auspicious star ‘Birthday’ of Beloved Bhagawan, running into the ‘day’ and subsequently the ‘birthday week’, let’s recapitulate on the ever untold mystery of His Advent Divine, and the infinitely potential message that comes by. read more »

When ‘i’ Serve…Do ‘i’ Serve?

When human mind poses many a question driving into serious introspection, it leads one to new vistas, greater realms of  conscious evolution. …And here he declares, surrendering all his actions at Him, praying ‘heart-fully’ for greater unity, universal brotherhood, Peace n’ Love for Samastha Lokas… all the worlds… a poetic expression from a Punaikar, Sri Sudarshan Nasery.  read more »

Eashwaramma…the Amma Of SaiEashwara…

Who is Easwaramma? She is the mother of Easwara, said Bhagawan discoursing about the most privileged mother on planet earth, and in the entire creation, whose supreme destiny to carry ‘God’ in physical in her womb would ever remain unmatched, in the history ‘His-Story’. Sacrificing her claim upon her ‘Bundle Of Joy’ for the sake of humanity, the simple rustic illiterate mother hailing from Puttaparthi often stayed away from the limelight, astutely following Him with a heart full of love and devotion. Looking back into ‘His Story’, while dwelling upon the beauty of this tender-hearted Chosen Mother of Beloved Mother Sai, let’s join ‘Mother Sai Poet’ Sri Jullie Chaudhuri in singing this Supreme Mother’s glory, remembering Her on the occasion of Mother Easwaramma Day, on 6th May. read more »