Archive for the ‘Divine Foot Prints’ Category

I Am your Razaak…
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
For the genuine seeker in Prof. Abdul Razaak Banurao Korbu who had faith in Bhagawan but not in His power to materialise, Bhagawan went an extra-mile demonstrating how genuine He is…a thrilling story from the Interview Room as chronicled in Sathyam Sivam Sundaram – Vol 5. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints

My Experience with Sathya Sai Baba in Darshan
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
A couple of years ago, in 2009, a young girl from the Central American country – Costa Rica shared the dais in Prasanthi Nilayam, speaking in His Divine Presence on the Christmas evening. That evening Yuliana Pulgar spoke of her life with Bhagwan narrating how Bhagawan made it possible for her to travel to India, against oddities, to be in His physical presence for Christmas. Read on Yuliana Pulgar’s narrative of her life with Beloved Bhagawan… read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints

An Argentinean Journalist’s Journey Unto Sai…
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Filled with inquisitiveness, an Argentinean journalist set himself out to meet Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba sometime in the second half of nineties. In Prasanthi, as he sat looking at the beauteous form. His eyes welled, quite inadvertently, bringing in much needed transformation. The trip became a spiritual odyssey wherein he was given the right lessons for his life ahead. Passionate journalist he was, who, ever wanted to interview Bhagawan, Swami, in turn, while permitting him to film in Prasanthi, gave him a piece of caution as to how best to discriminate before airing Bhagawan’s message of Universal Love. Read on Claudio Maria Dominguez’s encounters with Divinity. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints

The Love Of My Life…
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Are we aware that the “Man Of Miracles” walked amongst us was…is…no ordinary a person, but the Mightiest Persona ever visited Planet Earth and blessed the entire Cosmos? Cosmos is His creation and He is The Creator, the Be All and End All of anything and everything. Students whom He often referred to as “His Property” had the most wonderful blessings, seeing and experiencing Him at the closest quarter, drinking the nectar of His Divine Love!!! Many facets of His Divinity were…are…often revealed to these blessed grateful bunch of students, who virtually become effective instruments in His hands, by disseminating ‘His Love’ into the world at large. Read on Sri Raviteja’s “The Love Of My Life” that revels and reveals many an interesting facet of Beloved Bhagawan. Sri Raviteja is an MBA from Bhagawan’s Institute and is currently serving the Bhakta Sahayak Division of Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam. read more »
Posted in Bond Of Love, Divine Foot Prints

The Hound Of Heaven…
Friday, December 9, 2011
A famous Psychotherapist, Dr. Desiraj Dhairyam, whose Mental Institute and Clinic near Madras has achieved International reputation was the head of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, in Madras City. He attained His Feet at Madras on the 24th day of February, 1976. The day previous to his death, he wrote this article on his experience of Bhagawan and His Supreme Compassion, which insists on liberating the entangled individual, however recalcitrant or rejective the person might be. He refers to the working of this Compassion, as ‘pursuit’ by the ‘Hound of Heaven’, immortalised in the poem of that name by the great mystic, Francis Thompson. The poet describes in that symbolic song, how he fled Him down the arches of his years, how he hid from Him read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints

How Bhagawan saved the Andhra Bank
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Do all actions as actors in a play, keeping your identity separate and not attaching yourself too much to your role. Remember that the whole thing is just a play and the Lord has assigned to you a part; act well your part; there your duty ends. He has designed the play and He enjoys it, says Bhagawan. Padmashri Sri Gopal Rao, the former Andhra Bank Chairman, in his long stint as a banker had the good fortune of experiencing ‘His Divine Directions’, while remaining himself a puppet in His hand, thus effecting a justified solution to one of the longest strikes unprecedented in the annals of bank history. Later upon his retirement, Sri Gopal Rao lived in Prasanthi Nilayam, serving His Lotus Feet, leading an exemplary life till his merger at His Lotus Feet in 2008. Read on… (From our Sanathana Sarathi archives)… read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints

23rd Nov 1926
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
23rd November 1926, is a day that saw the dawn of a Divine Saga and went on to ensconce itself into the open arms of History, as the day the Avatar chose to be born upon Mother Earth.
The One Who established Himself at Shirdi, That Eternal Essence, now decided to pronounce Puttaparthi as a land most holy, rendered so by the touch of His petal soft Lotus Feet.
According to the assurance given to Rishi Bharadwaj, with regard to a Triple Incarnation, Lord Shiva and Mother Shakti, continued their sojourn in this, the second emergence of the Trinity that would grace Earth during the extremely volatile age of Kali Yuga.
Posted in Divine Foot Prints

The Legacy of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba – Sri. V.Srinivasan
Friday, July 22, 2011
To millions of Devotees all over the world, Bhagawan Baba has been God personified. They worshipped and adored Him; they prayed only to Him in times of joy and sorrow; He was their friend, guide and philosopher. Many still continue to have the same attitude towards Him and He still answers their prayers in His own unique way, which we cannot even begin to comprehend and understand. Bhagawan continues to manifest his miracles all over the world. Each individual has his own special experiences of Baba’s Divinity. The greatest joy for Sai devotees is to share and listen to these leelas. Through these conversations, which are in fact satsangs, each one’s faith and devotion is reinforced and strengthened.
Posted in Divine Foot Prints

Wish-Fulfilling Tree in Puttaparthi Intact
Sunday, July 10, 2011
On the night of 19th of May 2011, at around 8 o’clock, there were fierce gusty winds accompanied by thunder and rain in Puttaparthi. The impact of the whirlwind was so strong that many trees in Puttaparthi were unable to withstand the gales. Even the Kalpavriksha lost most of its branches, but contrary to the reports that appeared in some sections of the media, its roots and main trunk are intact. Here are a few photographs of the tree in its present state and an article about its significance.
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, News

How Bhagawan Suffered for a Devotee’s Sake!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
In the December of 1970, Bhagawan travelled to Panaji, the capital city of Goa stopping en route in the town of Dharwar in Karnataka. In Panaji, a strange and mysterious turn of events took place, which afforded His devotees another glimpse into His Divine nature. In fact, just prior to this incident, Prof. N. Kasturi, Bhagawan’s biographer, was to start for Sri Lanka, as Swami had blessed him earlier to address the Sai Centres there. But, all of a sudden, Bhagawan commanded him to cancel his visit and accompany Him to Goa instead. For what happened next is narrated in the most wonderful manner by Prof. Kasturi in the third volume of Sathyam Sivam Sundaram.
Posted in Divine Foot Prints