Archive for the ‘Divine Foot Prints’ Category

Believing Is Seeing…
Saturday, April 27, 2013
‘Seeing is believing’ – I always believed in this statement right till early 1999. Then came the day – 14-Jan-1999, when I realized that ‘Believing Is Seeing’ …especially in the Divine realm (and seeing isn’t believing) writes Sri Nitin Acharya sharing one of the profound lessons he learnt at His Divine Lotus Feet, on this very day. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions, Reflections

He is greater than our greatest need…
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Students are My Real Property, says Bhagawan like a proud parent time and again setting higher benchmarks for them to understand the game of life. What does Bhagawan mean for these privileged students? How do they make use of this greatest opportunity in their lives to be students in His exalted Institute? Sarmishtha Sahoo of 1st B.Sc. from Anantapur Campus of Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (now Sri Sathya Sai University) opines that Bhagawan comes down to their level to solve problems and in doing so He expects them not to stray away from the golden path. Read on Ms. Sahoo’s article published in the April 1990 issue of Sanathana Sarathi that serves an answer to the question as to how these students take this greatest opportunity to be with the Divine. read more »
Posted in Bond Of Love, Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions, Straight From The Heart

With God…Be Fair…
Saturday, December 8, 2012
How petty minds, full of selfish desires work, at times trying to cheat even God without knowing that they are playing around with the Cosmic Creator, at Whose mercy the whole of creation is hanging…existing… ? Saying that, “… your prayers will be answered only when there is sincerity in you” Bhagawan narrated an episode from His Story, concluding that attempt to cheat God would lead to dire consequences… From Bhagawan’s Divine Discourse on 19 October 1999. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Storytime With Baba

How Arjuna learnt the Big Lesson?!?
Monday, October 8, 2012
Implicit obedience to The Lord is what is desirable for an ideal devotee. The veil of delusion which covers up the Divinity inherent in man is so thick that it inflates man’s ego, tempting him to forget even God. Arjuna, while being driven by Lord Krishna in the Kurukshetra battlefield, donning the role of Charioteer, was in this ‘tight-spot’ with his ego pumped up for a moment, only to learn the big lesson finally reposing full faith in Lord Krishna. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Lessons From The Epics, Storytime With Baba

Radha – Supreme Devotee Of Lord Krishna
Monday, September 24, 2012
Pine for dhara, dhara and you find that you are pining for Radha, Radha, said Bhagawan discoursing on the Unmatched Supreme devotion of Radharani for Bhagawan Sri Krishna. Many are the wondrous tales of her devotional feats for Lord Krishna and Bhagawan had narrated some such wondrous tales in His Divine Discourses. Remembering the Mother Of Supreme Devotion, Radharani, a couple of beautiful stories from the life of Radharani, as recounted by Bhagawan Himself. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions, Lessons From The Epics

Are You Spying On Him?!?
Sunday, September 16, 2012
How often have we seen the perfect ‘human face’ of the Avatar descended, our Beloved Bhagawan, living His life among men, talking, joking and laughing – like humans, touching every heart with His indelible impressions of Supreme Love. An interesting instance involving Prof Kasturi, Indra Devi and Beloved Bhagawan. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions

The Power of the Lord’s Name…
Thursday, September 13, 2012
In the course of His discourse in the Prasanthi Mandir on June 22nd, 1989, Bhagawan explained the purifying and redeeming power of the Lord’s Name when it is recited in a spirit of total surrender to the Divine. Bhagawan said: read more »
Posted in Discourses, Divine Foot Prints

The Power Of Faith…
Thursday, September 13, 2012
In one of His discourses in “Trayee Brindavan” in May 1994, Bhagawan spoke at length on the power of faith, He said: “Complete faith is most essential if you want to experience Divinity. There should not be even an iota of doubt. One living without faith in the Divine is like a lifeless corpse.” Bhagavan related the following story to illustrate the Power Of Faith: read more »
Posted in Discourses, Divine Foot Prints

Sai and the Irate Missionary…
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
For the oppressed and for the depressed, for the needy and disconsolate, He is there as a friend, guide and guardian. Serving the mankind, serving them from the glitches of ignorance, He moves on often showing glimpses of His Divine aura. How He comes to the rescue of a troubled heart, saving blushes, often avoiding ignominy of tarnishing the Divine Name. Giri Naidu shares his experience, happened in the distant Himalayan region. (from Sanathana Sarathi archives)
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Sai Spiritual Showers

Love My Uncertainty…
Monday, June 4, 2012
Bhagawan’s ways are inscrutable and beyond human comprehension. That is why, He said, “Love My uncertainty.” His entire life was a saga of love – love for the humanity and His other creations. One should have unflinching faith in Him and love Him for love’s sake. Our permutations and combinations to gauge the enormity of His life, His mission, His actions… are like an ignoramus trying to count the stars in the sky.
In the climactic part of His glorious Sai Saga, Bhagawan punctuated a few of His Discourses with indications of His ‘departure’. However, Divine Intend is undoubtedly beyond ordinary human understanding. This article, English adaptation of the Telugu Editorial appeared in April issue of Sanathana Sarathi, is a compilation of the hints thrown by Bhagawan from time to time about the April 2011 ‘Divine Drama’ in His Discourses. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Reflections