Archive for the ‘Divine Foot Prints’ Category

Radha is an inseparable part of Krishna…
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Fifteen days from Krishnashtami comes Radha Ashtami, a joyous celebration in some part of North of India, celebrating the birth of Radharani, supreme devotee of Lord Krishna. Radharani’s birthday is the sacred eighth day of the month of Bhadrapada. Sri Radharani was born in Barsana, a suburb in Mathura. Bhagawan had spoken many a time, about the inseparable relationship between Krishna and Radha, The Creator and His Creation. Narrating the backdrop of Radha’s affinity towards Krishna, Whom she recognized as Paramatma, Bhagawan recounted a beautiful incident from the illustrious life of Sri Radharani. An extract from Summer Showers in Brindavan 1978. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints

Tuesday, August 12, 2014
He manifests in different places ‘same time’ with His ‘Visiting Cards’ only to accomplish something for His devotees…and at times He ‘manifests’ in different places, in different forms, with His ‘Visiting Cards’ again, to accomplish something for the sake of His devotees…He did it once in Tirunelveli, for the sake of a ‘new’ devotee…whom He wanted draw unto ‘Him’… and for this devotee’s sake He manifested Himself in the guise of this devotee…saving and managing the situation… A beautiful incident excerpted from the book “God in our Midst” by Dr (Mrs.) Hiramalini Seshadri, republished in the July 2014 issue of Sanathana Sarathi. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions

Watch Your Words, Actions, Thoughts, Character and Heart
Friday, December 20, 2013
How poised and diligent are we in dealing with the W-A-T-C-H God has gifted all of us… Bhagawan’s acronym for perfecting our mould to become His bangarus… golden children? Let’s w-a-t-c-h as Sri Jullie Chaudhuri writes about Bhagawan’s W-A-T-C-H… read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Lest We Forget, Straight From The Heart

From Shirdi To Parthi…
Sunday, September 29, 2013
To the one who sought His grace with purity of heart and selfless devotion, Baba conferred His grace abundantly. Mataji Krishna Priya of Nagpur was one such devotee. Living in Nagpur, she would worship Krishna and considered Shirdi Baba as another form of Krishna and often frequented to Shirdi to be closer to the Divine in physical form. Read on a thrilling instance from her life featuring Sai Baba of Shirdi, Who heard the cry of a grieving soul, full of love and devotion for Him, and thus decided to reappear after His physical passing on…recounting the story as narrated by Bhagawan on the occasion of Shirdi Sai ‘Birth Anniversary’…
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions, Sai Spiritual Showers

Translate & Transform…
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
The ultimate preceptor He is, He has an uncanny style of making most revealing, most meaningful puns that could make the best of the positive impacts. How often He advised us to translate & finally to transform ourselves into better human beings? Every gesture, every word, every moment in His life is a great lesson to introspect that could help one in his/her way forward on this earthly sojourn. Great texts reveal nothing but, His own teachings often under different banner. Read on, how He made one of those puns to affectively translate the author into one with harmony in thought, word and deed. An article by Laksh Kumar Khosa from June, 1970 Sanathana Sarathi. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions, Sai Spiritual Showers

How The Bhagavad Gita was administered…?
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Living in the physical proximity of the Lord, once a devotee grew curious about some of His stupendous doings in His previous Avatar, as to how Lord Krishna was able to deliver the Bhagavad Gita amidst the war cries in the Kurukshetra battlefield. When this question was posed to Bhagawan, instead of answering straightaway, He chose to clear the clouds of doubts in the minds of His devotee in His own unique, inimitable style…a unique incident from His Story, from the fifties…Read on… read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints

Yes, You Can!!!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
The story of Mikko Mayedo of Ontario, California – Champion Over Adversity – is an incredible story of ‘Yes, You Can…” , story of ‘will’ that granted her the power to win against all oddities, finally to become a ‘champion of the world’. Mikko Mayedo was a world‑renowned Olympic Equestrian Champion from the United States who achieved her feat despite being completely blind. As her narration continues, she ends up with her telling tale of finding her God within. She claims, Even in blindness, I know that God has come, narrating how she found the Avatar Of the Age ‘within!!!’
(Mikko Mayeda – “Champion Over Adversity” – even though afflicted with MS and blind, she won 18 first place and 6 second of 24 equestrian entries from 1983 to 1987, and became an Olympic and International Champion.)
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Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions

From The Physical To The Subtle…
Saturday, May 11, 2013
When Bhagawan Himself says His Name is not distinct from His Form, when Form and Name become inseparable, is it right to call Bhagawan’s transition, from the physical to the subtle, “From Form To Formless” asks Dr Sara Pavan, narrating a couple of His ever increasing ”Divine Sport’ of His physical manifestations post His passing on from the physical plane… read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions

Secret of Spiritual Success
Friday, May 10, 2013
Defining His Avataric mission, dividing His mission into 16 years apiece with defined tasks, Bhagawan, delivering His ‘first public Divine Discourse said: …”not that I Am determined to exclude leela and mahima from My activity after that…. I only mean that re-establishing Dharma, correcting the crookedness of the human mind and guiding humanity back to Sanathana Dharma will be My task thereafter. Read on… read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Lessons From The Epics, Sathya Sai Speaks

Walk towards ME and Leave maya behind!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
The Hyderabad Youth, a bunch of dedicated youth from Hyderabad, has been famous in Sai circles for its absolute dedication and devotion to Bhagawan… When it comes to Seva, the group would often forget all personal issues, plunging wholeheartedly into action… Over the years, especially in the late nineties and early twenties (1990-2000), the group had been immensely blessed with many precious interviews, Face To Face With Divinity…wherein they learnt greater lessons, directly from The Lord… Sri Gopi Pidatala, one of the co-founders of the group, recounts some such precious lessons learnt at His Holy Feet… read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions, Love All Serve All, Reflections