Chinese New Year in His Holy Presence…

Every single tradition owes its allegiance to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai, and thus brings native values  coupled with cultural heritage, seeking the ultimate of all blessings. So is the case with the Chinese tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year. The Chinese New Year celebration that is into year 22 in Prasanthi Nilayam is back once again, being celebrated for two days. …And along with comes the message of ‘Filial Piety’, respect and reverence for parents. Themed after ‘Parents – Our Treasure’, this year’s New Year – year of the pig is attended by hundreds of devotees from Region 4 of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations – Worldwide, comprising Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong.

The programme commenced at 1700 hrs. with lighting of Chinese Lamp by Dr. VK Ravindran, Chairman,  SSIO, Region-4, the organisers of the event. Traditional Chinese New Year offerings, Flowers Of Devotion, by the women of Indonesia to the backdrop of serene chanting of ‘Om Sri Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Babaya Namaha’ next was followed by prayerful ‘Buddhist Mantra’ chanting reverberating the hall with holistic vibrations.

Chinese New Year in His Holy Presence…

Addressing the august assembly, CNY co-ordinator Bro Billy Fong from Malaysia, connected the dots between two significant terms from the Chinese tradition, ‘Re-union’ and ‘Pay Respect’ elaborating them in the typical ‘Sai-Way’ as ReUnion with Bhagawan re-connecting to Prasanthi Nilayam, paying homage to the Ultimate Seat Of Divinity.

Referring to Bhagawan’s often repeated message of respect and reverence for parents, ‘God Comes To You When You Serve Your Parents’, the speaker touched upon the theme of the NY celebrations this year, ‘Parents – Our Treasure’, calling for meticulous following of His injection in this regard. Referring to the ‘coming to Prasanthi Nilayam’, quoting Bhagawan again, Billy Fong urged the young adults and devotees in general to eschew one bad quality, embracing a good one. This act would make the Prasanthi pilgrimage fulfilling, said the speaker in conclusion, making a parting reference to the 95th ‘Birthday’ celebrations of Bhagawan, coming up next year.

Chinese New Year in His Holy Presence…

Up next was a Harmonica Offering, by a group of Malaysians offering instrumental Sai Bhajans, played on mouth organ.

At 18:08 hrs on Sept 2018, Palu, Indonesia was rocked by an earth-quack measuring 7.5 in the richter scale that was followed by an ‘earth-shattering’ tsunami causing widespread damages. A video presentation next themed after the Colossally magical Sai Hands that brought relief to the distraught ones highlighted the massive rehabilitation project by SSIO – Indonesia, serving and saving hundreds and thousands.

In 57 days, the ‘Mission Was Accomplished’ by His Divine Grace, rehabilitating over 450 precious lives that included children, pregnant women and aged ones. The distraught ones were provided with make-shift homes along with other life-essentials, helping them to move on with their precious lives. Citing the Sai-Hands that were evident in Palu, Bro Danesh Vatwani, SSIO official in-charge of the operations narrated one of the most telling experiences during the ill-fated day.

Chinese New Year in His Holy Presence…

We keep talking about His message of ‘I Am In You, …Around You, …Above You, …Below You…’ etc, but how many of us really believe in this statement, asked Danesh, narrating the spine-chilling story of a mother and her 6-year old little one, whose faithful heart could manifest Bhagawan, Who saved them most miraculously, transporting them from the mouth of death to absolute safety, in His inimitable style.

A Chinese Orchestra offering followed, playing five solo bhajans, all with special chinese instruments.

Chinese New Year in His Holy Presence…

A medley of Chinese New Year songs next was followed by Mandarin-Chinese bhajans. The session concluded with Mangala Arathi to Bhagawan.

The venue was painted in typical Chinese-Red with men and women in hundreds presented themselves donning the colour, with decorations hanging up reflecting the ‘red’, making it a eventful evening turned twilight in Prasanthi Nilayam.

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II