Sathya Sai Baba…The Eternal Phenomenon…The Epochal Revelation

He…Who Is inscrutable, inexplicable can be ‘easily’ defined as That, which is beyond the ken of our minds… From a mental level, we may call Him, The Totality… That Is The Cause for everything… What has He done to you and me…? In the run-up-to the 90th Birthday of the Supreme Persona on Earth, Sri Jullie Chaudhuri reminds our readers that, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, The Eternal Phenomenon and The Epochal Revelation is leading us to Sathya Sai Civilisation.


That feeling called Sathya Sai Baba,
That feeling that needs to be felt,
That emotion that needs to be experienced,
That breath that all living beings breathe in,
That Cosmic Heart that beats in every being…

 That Form that evokes such joy…
…that ceaselessly glistens…
…and flows akin to a cosmic convoy,
That celestial sequence of pure Love and Grace,
That all encompassing, all knowing…
…ever soothing calm bestowing Gaze…
That Serenity and Equanimity,
That mesmerizing Rhythm and Melody,
…He is the Music and He – the Musician…
He is that Resonance that brought forth creation,
Pranava…Prema Swarupa…
Adi Purusha…

He is the Courage in all those brave,
He is the Ocean…He is the Wave…
He is the Primal Being the ancient ones did exalt…
…eulogise, extol, worship, adore and crave…

The Wings that give birds flight,
His Luminosity grants eyes their sight…
He is the Ultimate One…Absolute and Almighty…
…and it is His Might that grants the Sun…
…its radiant brilliance and brilliant light…

That Fertile Soil that knows no drought,
…bestowing a wondrous harvest when steadfastly ploughed,
He is Rain, He is Lightning and He is the Thundercloud,
He is the adored Goal of all those devout…

That Seed…that Root…that Solid Base and Steady Foundation…
…He is that Fruit which results from action…
He is that Affection that knows no boundaries…
He is the Source…He is the Spring of Harmony and Peace…
That Sea of Consciousness that gives birth as well as receives…
…arising and returning souls…
…resembling rivers and streams…

He is that all encompassing Love…
…so incomparable…
…an Incredible Parable,

He is the Power behind the elements five,
His is the Intent so exceptionally exceptional,
His Word and Will…His Sankalpa so unimaginably invincible…
To be consciously aware of His constant Presence…
…in itself implies a lifelong festival…
Irresistible…irresistibly lovable…
Abounding with compelling attributes, charm,
Radiance and beauty…
Mercy, benevolence and compassion beyond description,
A limitless Reservoir of Sathya, Dharma…
Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa…
His is the Process that augments and augers,
…micro and macro transformation…
…ushering in ultimately -
The Sathya Sai Civilisation,
Sathya Sai Baba…the Eternal Phenomenon…the Epochal Revelation… 

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II