Archive for 2014

Expression Of Gratitude by Anantapur Students…

Come March it is exam time for students all over, attempting to excel in the academic front. For the students at SSSIHL the story is not different yet, they do have something bigger and colourful in their scheme of things, undoubtedly the most pricey… priceless thing read more »

Gratitude Offering by Muddenahalli Campus…

Sri Sathya Sai Students when practising His precepts, living His Messages, serving the society as Messengers Of Sathya Sai become a boon to the world at large…and for these grateful bunch of  ideal students, while practising ‘Our Life Is His Message’,  their lives become an Expression Of Gratitude at their Master’s Lotus Feet. read more »

Shivarathri Akhanda Bhajan culminates…

Shivarathri Akhanda Bhajan culminated this morning at 0600 hrs. with Mangala Arathi offering to Bhagawan here in Prasanthi Nilayam.  The night-long  Vigil continued with enthusiastic students along with various groups of devotees leading the bhajans throughout the night. There was a good turnout of devotees during the entire night. read more »

Maha Shivarathri in Prasanthi Nilayam…

Auspicious night of Shiva, Maha Shivarathri bhajans commenced in glittering fashion with much religious fervour this evening here in Prasanthi Nilayam. Prior to the commencement of the night-long vigil, Akhanda Bhajan, a Maha Rudrabhishekam to ‘Saieeswara Lingam’ was offered commencing the evening proceedings. read more »

Cloud Nine…

 What is desirous for an ideal devotee of God? …Sri Sathya Sai? …they can check within whether he or she has fled away from the battlefield of desires…leaving behind Maya’s web…a beautiful poem by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri presenting an ideal heart’s flow towards…into…in Mother Sai… read more »

Adilabad Parthi Yatra…

Devotees from Adilabad district of Andhra Pradesh, on a 3-day Parthi Yatra in Prasanthi Nilayam, presented a drama entitled “Sevanjali” on Saturday, 22 February here in Prasanthi Nilayam. Over 1500 devotees joined the Parthi Yatra. read more »

Nala Damayanthi – Musical Dance Drama by Ooty Devotees…

Driving home the message of harmonious living coupled with beauty in character, Parthi Yatra contingents from Ooty district of Tamil Nadu presented a Musical Dance Drama entitled ‘Nala Damayanthi’ last evening here in Prasanthi Nilayam. read more »

Sai Mahima Sagara…

Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed, so said Jesus to His apostles. Today, after the advent of so many world teachers and Avatars we find people, who have seen but refuse to believe. Caught in the maze of their own doubt and delusion, these people with rational temperament demand proof of everything, even God’s existence says Sri Sunam Gyamtso, during his college days at Bhagawan’s University, writing about the endless Mahima Sagara called Sri Sathya Sai. read more »

Drama on the life of Confucius…

Continuing with the spirit of Chinese New Year Celebrations, this evening Sai Youth from Indonesia presented a drama on the life of Chinese Philosopher and Spiritual Master Confucius here in Prasanthi Nilayam. Confucius had brought revolutionary changes in China with his unsurpassed wisdom, affecting the society at large, positively. read more »

Chinese New Year in Prasanthi Nilayam…

January 1 has come and gone and 2014 is already on its way. However, in China and many South East Asian Nations, namely Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia etc. it is time for Chinese New Year celebrations. read more »