Cloud Nine…

 What is desirous for an ideal devotee of God? …Sri Sathya Sai? …they can check within whether he or she has fled away from the battlefield of desires…leaving behind Maya’s web…a beautiful poem by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri presenting an ideal heart’s flow towards…into…in Mother Sai…


… Floating away on a cloud,

Letting go of all care,

I journey on…

Fanned by the breeze of faith,

Engulfed by peace,

Floating away on a cloud,

I journey on…


…Looking at the world below,

Attraction absent,

Detachment does grow…

Light as a feather,

Floating on a cloud,

I journey on…


…Having fled the battlefield of desire,

Leaving behind Maya’s web,

Freeing myself from the prison of my thoughts,

Floating on a cloud,

I journey on…

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II