Archive for 2014

The Dance Of The Soul

These words that you are about to wander through are from the April 2014 Issue of the Pune Youth Newsletter, edited by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri, dedicated at the enchanting Lotus Feet…HE is the One Who inspires…HE Who motivates…HE our inspiration…HE our motivation…in Him lies all kinds of celebrations…He the ultimate jubilation…To our Guru, Guide, Parent, Friend and God…we offer all that we are and ever will be… read more »

Criss-Cross Lines That Shine Your Love

In the mystery play called life where every being battles it out, some knowingly and some quite oblivious of The Presence of the Wire-Puller called God…the Truth remains as clear that nothing escapes HIM, Supreme Godhood and He and He alone is everything…be it a rise or fall, everything serves as a stepping-stone to the ‘Ultimate Destiny’ called Sri Sathya Sai, echoes Ms Nupur Chaudhuri… from the April 2014 issue of Sri Sathya Sai Newsletter, Pune. read more »

Tamil New Year in Prasanthi Nilayam…

Celebrating Tamil New Year – Jaya, connoting Victory, Sai Youth from the State of Tamil Nadu presented a drama entitled ‘Sai World Vision’ last evening here in Prasanthi Nilayam. read more »

Sri Rama Navami in Prasanthi Nilayam…

Bhagawan Sathya Sai’s… Sai and Lord Sri Rama’s…Ram are tagged together in Prasanthi Nilayam forming the most powerful Mantra, a ‘buzzword’ SAIRAM among Sai fraternity….and to this hallowed precincts Sri Rama Navami has always been a celebration granting spiritual respite from summer’s merciless intensity. read more »

Soar Like A Lark

Those who are devoted to Sri Sathya Sai may please pause for a while, to remind themselves of the glory and ecstasy that His Name can bring into their world, writes Dr Keki Mistry from Mumbai urging man to arise, awake and soar like a lark… read more »

Ugadi in Prasanthi Nilayam

A Carnatic concert entitled ‘Bhajan Sandhya’ by popular Carnatic vocalist OS Arun marked the evening of Ugadi 2014 in Prasanthi Nilayam yesterday. Inciting the audience to peaks of devotional ecstasy, with his stylish innovative singing, the singer with his penchant devotion for Lord Krishna sang for an hour invoking Krishna mesmerising the audience making the evening a most memorable one. read more »

“Ten Dollars” in Sai’s Name…

Name, banner, language, caste, creed and nationality and so on… these restrictions are only for the finite earthly minds… for the Supreme Godhood Who ‘revisited’ the planet Earth to Love All and Serve All, all belongs to Him in equal measure sans any discrimination… a beautiful story of “Ten Dollars” from Sri Rajendra Ghayal, UK. read more »

Eternal Honour For This Almighty Advent

25th March 2011 has taken a sure place in the annals of His Story, being the day when He chose to publicly appear for one last time, Thus Far…  Revisiting the day after three-long years, missing Him out in physical, what should be our plea…prayer…to the One-Off Supreme Advent Whom We Knew as Sri Sathya Sai… writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri, commemorating the day, commending on His Supreme Intent, praying that His Supreme Advent will honour each and every one of It’s Intent. read more »

When Will I See You Again?

Can there ever be a last darshan of the One, Whose every darshan, Whose every glimpse and glance, had an everlasting effect in each cell of every devotee’s being? …commemorating the darshan on 25th March 2011 in a packed Sai Kulwant Hall in Prasanthi Nilayam, that is slated to be the ‘Final Darshan – Thus Far’, it is time for humanity to ponder over the deeper significance of His magnanimity, of His walking on the Earth…? and to win His grace, to win Him back, we need to amend, walking the talk, walking His path…let’s reminisce the grandeur and beauty of His Supreme Darshan granted on 25th March 2011, through the writings of Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »

Gratitude Offering by the Passing Out Batch of Brindavan Campus…

Team Brindavan is set to soar high… This was the crux of the message that echoed in the spacious Sai Kulwant Hall on Sunday, Mar 23rd evening, when the passing out batch of students from the Brindavan Campus gathered at the Divine Lotus Feet offering heartfelt gratitude to Beloved Mother Sai.
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