“Ten Dollars” in Sai’s Name…

Name, banner, language, caste, creed and nationality and so on… these restrictions are only for the finite earthly minds… for the Supreme Godhood Who ‘revisited’ the planet Earth to Love All and Serve All, all belongs to Him in equal measure sans any discrimination… a beautiful story of “Ten Dollars” from Sri Rajendra Ghayal, UK.

This story dates back to 1978…
Last April May, I went to visit my sisters in New Jersey, U S A. While at the home of my younger sister there, one Tuesday, (May, 9th, 78, to be exact), I had a dream – or was it a semi-dream, or a vision? For, I am sure, I was at least half awake – in which Swami appeared, and conversed with me for some time. He enlightened me on a few spiritual problems which were worrying me, and turning towards me suddenly, He said, “Thursday, when you meet a person, give him the amount of money you can afford.” I asked him, quite innocently, “Will a dollar be enough?” He replied, “Fine.”

On Thursday, about a few minutes after twelve, my brother-in-law and I went to a couple of Banks, in East Orange, New Jersey, to make a few enquiries.

At one of the Banks, my eyes fell on a blind, old, black gentleman, waiting for a clerk to attend on him. I started watching him. It seems he had come to withdraw a portion of the money he was expecting some one to deposit in his account, and the clerk was busy going through the books. At last, the clerk came to him and told him that there was nothing in his account. The money had not come yet.

Slowly and sadly, he made his way out of the Bank. I approached him and told him about my dream and Baba. But, he was too perturbed to listen or understand. I knew that he was the man that Baba had told me about. So. I gave him ten dollars. He asked me, with a smile on his face, “How much is it?” I said, “Ten dollars. Thank Sai Baba for this.” I could not control the tears in my eyes. It was a blissful moment for both of us.

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II