Believe In Your Dreams…
Wednesday, September 17th, 2014
When He becomes our dream…and when we are in earnest pursuit, following our dream… we are bound to manifest Him… when we cherish our sweet dream… when we empower our intent believing in ourselves, we are bound to manifest Him… our Beloved Mother Sai… writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri about empowering our dream… believing our own selves…
If you don’t dream…
…dear friends…
…how will your dreams come true…?
Believe in yourself…
…for i certainly believe in you…
…so too…
…believe in your dreams…
…and with intense intent…
…empower them to blossom true…
It is the power of your intent…
…that attracts and endorses a sanction from the Universe…
…that Sublime Grace of a breakthrough…
So, dear ones…
Believe in your self…
…believe in your dreams…
…adorn and endow it with the ‘light’ of your intent…
…manifest it…
…make it come true…
Believe in your self…
…for i most certainly believe in you…
Oh! Beloved Mother Sai…
…You are my dream,
You…my intent…
…You…my Self…
You…the Light within…
…Your Presence divinely…
…delightfully…magnificently…enchantingly ensures…
…that Cosmic Grace of a sublime breakthrough…
Any and every empowerment…
…depends wholly and solely on You…
Oh! Sweet Sai Krishna…
…could Arjuna lift the Gandiva without You…?
Come, my Lord…
Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai…
…i seek Your Divine Intervention…
…sans pretension…replete with earnest adoration…
…even as i send You this message…
…on the wings of a long impassioned sigh…
Come…with Your Effervescent Essence…
…this dark abyss of life and living re-electrify…
…i dream of this Lokaah…
…as well as all Lokaahs…
…aglow with ‘Samastha Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu…’
…a Kindred Oneness through and through…
Come now…permit this golden tableau…
…only You…
…Oh! Cherished One…can make this dream come true…
Mother Nature and all creatures…creation through…
…with abject concern and avid hope…
…are envisioning this Glorious View…
Mother Earth longingly awaits Her due…
…only You can save Her from the devastation…
…destruction and decay that human actions…
…on Her consistently do spray and spew…
…i believe in myself…
…for You taught me to…
…i believe in my dream…
…my dream is You…
…i believe in my Self…
…that Self that represents You…
Come now…
Oh! Supreme Protector of the Universe…
…we need You…
…creation seeks a rescue…
…from deep within my core…
…this heart feeling…
…does…oh! so naturally ensue…
Come now…
Oh! Compassionate One…
…make this universal dream come true…
II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II

Posted in Say It Poetically |