Archive for 2011

Avatar Vani: Varalakshmi Vratam Discourse
Friday, August 12, 2011
Women are the Embodiments of Nobility and Virtue
The Festival of Varalakshmi Vrata falls on this day, a day quite special to propitiate the goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu, one of the Hindu Trinity. Varalakshmi is supposedly The One, Who grants boons to devotees. Among the many legends and stories about the auspicious festivity, what stands out is what Bhagawa Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke about, going in detail, covering the entirety of the auspicious occasion. This discourse was delivered on the occasion of Varalakshmi Vrata in the year 2000 in Prasanthi Nilayam
Posted in Discourses

A Musical Garland by Devotees from Middle East and Gulf
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
A pilgrimage by the Region 94 of the Sai Organisation comprising the countries from Middle East and Gulf has enveloped Prasanthi Nilayam with Islamic Fervor in the holy month of Ramadan. The group comprises devotees from UAE, Sultanate of Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran. The portion of the Sai Kulwant hall in front of the stage is decorated with flags from all the participating nations. A crescent smiles atop the Sanctum Sanctorum. Teachings of Islam gleaned from Bhagawan’s discourses flutters on the pillars of the hall. A large contingent of devotees in green scarves representing the colour of peace have been very active in Prasanthi Nilayam. Members of the group joined the students for Morning Bhajans since August 7th.
Tags: Concert, Functions, Photos, Pilgrimage, Videos
Posted in Reports
Music Programme by Middle East and Gulf
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The green scarved army with the message of peace from the heartland of Islam gave its second presentation in two days in the holy precincts of the Sai Kulwant Hall. After the soul uplifting performance of the Whirling Dervishes of Turkey, the other devotees from the Region offered a beautiful musical garland to their Lord. Entitled “Sarva Devata Ateeta Swaroopa Karuna Sagar Sai” (which translates to My Lord Sai who is the ocean of Mercy and transcendental of all forms of God), the programme started with a brief introduction where in the narrator spoke about the unity of religions, the compassion of Bhagawan and the need to experience His love.
Posted in Prasanthi News
Cultural Programme by Devotees from Turkey
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
It is Holy Month of Ramadan and a group of devotees from the Arab world is on a pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayam, the Ultimate Seat of the Divine. …And on a pleasant evening, the Universal Mevlei Dance, an Islamic religious rite leading to spiritual bliss stole the limelight on the first day of the two-day scheduled Interfaith Programme by the visiting group from Region 94, in Prasanthi Nilayam.
Posted in Prasanthi News
Announcement regarding Middle East and Gulf Programme
Monday, August 8, 2011
A pilgrimage by the Region 94 of the Sai Organisation comprising the countries from Middle East and Gulf has enveloped Prasanthi Nilayam with Islamic Fervor. The group comprises devotees from Turkey, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.The portion of the Sai Kulwant hall in front of the stage is decorated with flags from all the participating nations. A crescent smiles atop the Sanctum Sanctorum. Teachings of Islam gleaned from Bhagawan’s discourses flutters on the pillars of the hall. A large contingent of devotees in green scarves representing the colour of peace have been very active in Prasanthi Nilayam. Members of the group have joined the students for Morning Bhajans since August 7th. This evening it was announced that this group will be blessed to perform in Sai Kulwant hall on the next two days. The programme will include a procession of a replica of the holy mosque of Abu Dhabi. The programmes will begin at five o clock in the evening.
Click here for the memories of the pilgrimage of this group in August 2010 in the Divine Presence
Posted in Prasanthi News
German Music Programme
Friday, August 5, 2011
Children from Germany who participated in the Summer Course 2010 along with other youth, parents and teachers have come on a pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayam. They had an opportunity to perform a musical programme titled “Religions are Many. God is one.” The programme started at 1700hrs. A few representatives offered roses to Bhagawan. The German devotees then astounded the assembly with clear vedic recitation of Sikshavalli. They concluded the recitation with Sahana Vavatu…
Posted in Prasanthi News

Music Programme by Devotees from Germany
Friday, August 5, 2011
Children from Germany who participated in the Summer Course 2010 along with other youth, parents and teachers have arrived on a pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayam on the first of August. The group about 200 strong had come with a musical offering to their Beloved Bhagawan to express their deepest gratitude for His unconditional love, blessings and guidance in their work all through the year.
Tags: Concert, Photos, Pilgrimage, Videos
Posted in Reports

Music Programme by Sai Youth Australia
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Taking a leaf of inspiration from Bhagawan, carrying the mantle of His precious Divine Teachings, a group of youth from Australia under the banner, Sai Youth Australia, staged a musical programme in the Sai Kulwant Hall this evening. The programme commenced at the end of half-an-hour Vedam chanting, just after 1700 hrs., with customary offering at Bhagawan’s Maha Samadhi. read more »
Posted in Reports

Thanksgiving by Alumni
Sunday, July 31, 2011
The North American premabandham which evolved into a Global premabandham was planned as an occasion for all alumni to come together and re-evaluate their way forward as a community. The meet took place on 30th and 31st of July. As per tradition, the alumni meet started with a service camp in Puttaparthi. The Registrar addressed the Alumni at the institute auditorium.
Tags: Concert, Conferences, Photos, Student Programmes
Posted in Prasanthi News
Australia Youth Programme
Friday, July 29, 2011
Taking a leaf of inspiration from Bhagawan, carrying the mantle of His precious Divine Teachings, a group of youth from Australia under the banner, Sai Youth Australia, staged a musical programme in the Sai Kulwant Hall this evening. The programme commenced at the end of half-an-hour Vedam chanting, just after 1700 hrs., with customary offering at Bhagawan’s Maha Samadhi. read more »
Posted in Prasanthi News