Launch of SSSVV’s Inclusive Education Project
Friday, January 14, 2022
The monumental festivity with stellar importance marking Sun’s northward journey, Makara Sankranthi, is celebrated today with great spiritual fervour across India. Prasanthi Nilayam has always had its beautiful tale associated with the festivity, with Bhagawan invariably delving deep into the festive beauty and significance. read more »
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Month Of Giving And Forgiving 2019 – A Period Of Awakening…
Saturday, March 22, 2025
The month of March 2011…held a lot in its tender bosom…that spilled into April 2011 too. For, a Divine Decision rocked the Cosmos, the Earth particularly and rendered all beings, the environment hapless and helpless. None can fathom His Ways…we can only accept, introspect, inspect, churn the inner core…and offer our all as a dedication to this most Supreme of all Incarnations, Whose Life was and remains His Message…and…await a response in silence. Until then, may His Compassion be our mission…with a prayer…sincere and true – Santushti for Samastha Srushti…Peace and Contentment…Kindred Harmony for all of creation…for this definitely pleases the Creator, thus speaks the collective devout hearts in the run up to the Sadhana Aradhana month. read more »
Posted in Indelible Impressions, Lest We Forget, Love All Serve All, Reliving Timeless Memories, Sadhana - The Inward Path, Sadhana Aradhana

He Belongs To All
Thursday, August 19, 2021
How often do we judge Him, judging the actions of the attribute-less Supra-Supreme Divine Persona walking on two Feet, out of sheer, crass ignorance?!? For a devout soul ripe enough for learning, He sends the right message across, often in His own inimitable style, only to help the devotee evolve slow and steady, grade by grade, to a higher level of consciousness. Read on such a revealing experience from the diary of Sri Arun Kumar Panda of Odisha, as chronicled in his book Rasamayee Maa. (edited version)I don’t precisely recall the month, but the year was 1971. I had travelled from Delhi for Swami’s Darshan and would be returning there. I was sitting in the portico of the Mandir at about 2 pm alone on the day of my return journey. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

Loving His Uncertainty
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Prasanthi Nilayam: What does Prasanthi Nilayam mean to each one of us? This Supreme Abode of Peace. where the mightiest of the Avatars chose to walk, is simply “Home” for many, for here each of us feel ‘At Home’, with the Mother of all mothers bathing all with Her Pure Love!!! Read an article from Yasmin Sikal, extracted from Sanathana Sarathi, June, 1978. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

Locking Eyes With The Lord
Thursday, August 5, 2021
What is that incomparable beauty of Sri Sathya Sai Darshanam, when one is blessed to immerse in the Beauty Beyond Compare Ultimate Divine with absolute focus, only to get the bonus blessing of the ultimate beauty of ‘Locking Eyes With The Lord’? Sri ‘Kadu’ Balasubramanyam Parasuraman, an alumnus at SSSIHL, narrates his perception and experience on ‘Locking Eyes’ With The Supreme Lord, narrating a beautiful Brindavan darshan session…as extracted from his recently published book, ‘My Loving Swami’. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

God Consciousness
Friday, July 30, 2021
Human sojourn on Earth is meant to realise the innate Divinity, and man can attain it by aligning every thought, word and action to that of God’s, the Divine Will, says Bhagawan in an inner message to Lucas Ralli. Extracted from the book ‘Sai Messages For You & Me’ series by the same author. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

Be Careful Of Careless Associations
Thursday, July 29, 2021
When the Supreme One comes down in a human frame, walking amongst men, choosing the right, deserved ones for Him to nurture, He acts most mysteriously, at times, taking care of the so-called subtle details, only to help take home some of the most potent messages. Read on an incident from the life of Sri Prabhakar Bayisetty of Prasanthi Nilayam from his recently published book, LIFE CONTRACT WITH GOD. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

“Time since Krishna…? I Am Krishna. Where is Time?”
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Bhagawan Sri Krishna is called Shyamala Komala, meaning The Beauty With Deep Blue Complexion, and the colour deep blue or shyamala stands for Infinity…Eternity. After granting a most mysterious soul-stirring Shyamala Krishna Darshan in a moving car ‘with Bhagawan’, Bhagawan, upon answering to an inquisitive Dr John Hislop, much later, explained it thus: Oh! That? Whenever there is something of unfathomable depth, it appears to be deep blue.” read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

There Is No Greater Sadhana Than Oneness
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Lack of recognition of the principle of Oneness is mainly responsible for the conflicts and calamities in the world around, discoursed Bhagawan long ago, exhorting on the greater need for developing Oneness of all. How often we are privileged with such a Mighty Compassionate Divine Presence in the physical, Who speaks out in the open, ‘I Am yours, you are Mine,’ `You and I Are one’?!? Read on Bhagawan’s Divine discourse delivered on 25th August 1999, on the auspicious occasion of Onam. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

Supreme Mother Kundalini
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Kundalini Sakthi is the evolutionary power in the human system that starts Its journey from the Muladhara Chakra at the base traversing towards the Sahasrara Chakra, completing the journey of human spiritual evolution, the merger of Shakti with Shiva, Self-Realisation. Dr PV Shankar from the US had the great good fortune of learning the real essence of ‘the yoga’ from Bhagawan directly. Read on the ‘essence’ from the author, extracted from his book, SAI ANTARVANI. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

“Mother Always Comes First”
Saturday, March 13, 2021
He Is often called Sai Maa, Mother Sai, Who Is verily The Supreme Creator. From That Hiranya Garbha of Sri Sathya Sai emerged this vast physical creation and the many mysterious realms of existence, that Mother Sai is verily The Surpeme Source n’ Force. On Earth, He preached the supreme importance of Motherhood, which always stands first and foremost. A beautiful illustration on the beauty called ‘Mother!’ by Ms Loraine Burrows from the UK, livng in Thailand. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers