Posts Tagged ‘Concert’

Dana Gillespie Sings Songs Of Love…Unity
Sunday, November 20, 2011
With a string of selected songs, a compilation of her songs in The Divine Presence over the years, Dana Gillespie of London Blues Band fame took the audience through her memory lane, presenting an electrifying music concert at Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet on the 20th November evening in Prasanthi Nilayam.
The singer, the most popular western voice in Prasanthi Nilayam and undoubtedly one of Bhagawan’s favourite picks took the audience down memory lane, singing mainly hit songs from her earlier concerts in Prasanthi Nilayam.
The underlying theme of her performance was Love and Unity. Recapitulating her glorious times in Bhagawan’s physical presence, the cherubic singer began with the song “we are all one…under the sun”.
Singing with the aid of recorded tracks of music, Gillespie continued for an hour, often inciting the audience to join with rhythmic beats. She presented twelve songs that included two bhajans. Some of her favourite numbers sung during landmark occasions, 70th and 80th birthday, were reproduced explaining significance in short.

Music Concert by Sumeet Tappoo…
Thursday, November 17, 2011
A week-long festivity celebrating 86th Birthday of Bhagawan got underway with a vocal musical serenade by upcoming singer Sumeet Tappoo on the 16th November evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. The festivity would continue till the Birthday of Bhagawan, on the 23rd November 2011.
The singer, who had the rare privilege of singing in Bhagawan’s physical presence on earlier occasions, began with a Telugu verse offering millions of salutations before drifting into Hindi singing paeans to Beloved Bhagawan.
A Ganesha vandana accompanied by a string of nine pieces followed. Renditions ranged from singing in praise of Mother of The Divine, Maa Easwaramma, to singing His glory listing various attributes of the attributeless Divine. “Jaago Prasanthi…” and another piece calling Him out as the sweetest of all mothers, read more »

“Sai Harmony”, Music Programme by UK Youth
Friday, October 7, 2011
On the calm morning of the seventh of October, after the pleasantly hectic days of Dasara, Prasanthi witnessed a soothing performance by youth from United Kingdom who have been part of the Annual Grama Seva ever since its inception. The programme entitled Sai Harmony started at 0800hrs with Vedic recital. At 0815, the youth sang the stotram, “Brahmanandam Parama Sukatam…”. This was followed by a melodius song by Ms. Charlotte who then went on to play a Bhajan Medley in the Accordion and a Sitar rendition by Ms. Rupinder accompanied by Sri Manjeet on the Tabla.
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Prasanthi Vidwan Maha Sabha 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Day 1:
The Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha 2011 commenced at 1630hrs on the 30th of September with Veda Chanting by Primary School Children. Sri Shashank Shah introduced the Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha which has been conducted every evening during the Yajnam for the last five decades. Navaratri is a festival of victory, of Power (Shakti) adored and celebrated in 3 forms for 3 days each. Anger, Adventure and Audacity (Tamas) dedicated to Mahakali; Wealth, Authority and Prosperity (Rajas) dedicated to Mahalakshmi; Self-Control, Knowledge and Discipline (Satwa) dedicated to Maha Saraswati.
The Avataric Resolve of Nurturing the Vedas and the Scholars, Protection of the Righteousness and the Devout lead to the formation of this holy yajna, said the learned speaker. At the conclusion of the very first Veda Purusha Saptah, Sri Ganapathi Sastri who could expound every syllable of the Vedas stated that he had not had the privilege of witnessing such a scrupulously correct Yajna, which could pass the most rigorous tests of ancient Indian scriptures and traditions while quoting Vedic Mantras in support of what looked like casual acts of Bhagawan and declared that Baba was the Veda Purusha.
Tags: Concert, Functions, Photos, Skit, Speeches, Student Programmes, Videos
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Parthi Yatra by Prakasam District
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Devotees from Prakasam District got their opportunity to perform their annual pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayam this week. A speech and a Carnatic music concert comprised the first day’s programme. A skit entitled ‘Seva Aradhana’ was presented on the second day.
The programme commenced with Vedic recitation at 1630hrs. At 1700hrs, Sri. Sriramamurthy, District President of Prakasam District addressed the gathering. He started his speech enumerating the contribution of Prakasam District to the culture of Bharath, to its society and the holy mission of Bhagawan. Conveying his salutations to the various temples of the district, and expressing gratitude for the various industries it houses, he reported on the activities of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations in the district.
Tags: Concert, Photos, Pilgrimage, Skit, Speeches, Videos
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Onam 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Onam, the prime Kerala festival that marks the homecoming of legendary king of yore, Emperor Mahabali was celebrated in Prasanthi with much devotional fervour attended by a miniscule of Kerala along with devotees from other parts of the world.
With the state of Kerala celebrating its most colourful festival Onam, with gaiety and fervour commemorating mythical past, peace and equanimity as practised by its erstwhile Emperor Mahabali, a miniscule of Kerala camping in Prasanthi celebrated the festivity commemorating the golden past of Onam in the immediate Divine presence.
Tags: Concert, Conferences, Festivals, Photos, Pilgrimage, Skit, Speeches, Videos
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Sai Sannidhi: A Love Story
Sunday, September 4, 2011
This was the celebration of an anniversary, an anniversary of 39 years of service to man, an anniversary of the love between the instruments and the Master, an anniversary of the day Bhagawan blessed His Students who he lovingly handpicked to be part of his mission in the most direct way, the day Bhagawan blessed their parents and thereby taught them the lesson of Filial Piety, the day Bhagawan expanded the scope of the Prayer Chant to “Samasta Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu”, the anniversary of the day when Bhagawan told His boys that faith is the most important strength of man, not a faith in an external entity but the faith in his own innate divinity. This is Sai Sannidhi day.
Tags: Concert, Functions, Speeches, Student Programmes, Videos
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Ganesha Chaturthi Celebrations and Immersion Ceremony 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Thousands of devotees Thursday welcomed their favourite deity with fervour and gaiety to the precincts of Prasanthi and Puttaparthi in general as the auspicious Ganesh Chaturthi festival kicked off with much religious fervour in the hallowed spiritual township.
Vinayaka Chaturthi, the festival that received its fullest dues over the years in the most inspiring physical presence of Beloved Bhagawan has come again and Prasanthi turned lively once again with the ever enthusiastic students taking the lead. ..And with them keeping her golden memories alive, Prasanthi woke up on the auspicious morning tuned to the Lord of remover of all obstacles, readying herself to celebrate the auspicious day.
Tags: Concert, Festivals, Functions, Photos, Student Programmes, Videos
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Eid-ul-Fitr: Programme by Students
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
“Eid-ul-Fitr”, or the festival of charity was celebrated in Prasanthi Nilayam today. The students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning perform educational and inspiring programme on this day every year and this year was no different. After the Vedic invocation, the programme started at 1700 hrs with Namaz, a prayer for the well being of one and all. After the Namaz, the students presented a skit with a story woven around the five pillars of Islam namely – Shahada (Faith), Salat (Prayer), Sawm (Fasting), Zakāt (Charity) and Hajj (Pilgrimage).
Tags: Concert, Functions, Photos, Skit, Student Programmes, Videos
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Polish Choir in Prasanthi Nilayam
Saturday, August 20, 2011
A group of 126 from the Central European country of Poland presented a musical offering at the Sanctum Sanctorum of Sai Kulwant Hall on Aug 20th evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. The group that has come on a Sai Pilgrimage comprised of 35 gents and 91 ladies.
Tags: Concert, Photos, Pilgrimage, Videos
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