
Words with profund spiritual import were spoken by the Supreme-Most Avatar, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai, in the year 1968, revealing greater facets of His Avatarhood on Planet Earth. Noticing the greater importance of the same, the then Editor of Sanathana Sarathi, Prof N Kasturi published the same with bullet points in the July, 1968 issue of Sanathana Sarathi. read more »

‘Thus Far’ – Memories Poignantly Pirouette A Replay

25th March 2011, the Divine Chariot cruised along on a carpet of adoration that distinctly flowed from every heart that had gathered in Sai Kulwant Hall that evening, for a glimpse of God. All necks craned to view this most adored form. Awe, exultation and deep reverence did exude forth embracing the ever loving and living God. read more »

“This One Is Mine”

One of the finest prayers that man could ever pose unto God was scripted by God Himself, as Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This is a prayer of contentment, listing out a few ‘i do nots’ and ‘i shall nots’. Read on a timeless message from Bhagawan, penned for the 59th Birthday issue. read more »

Only a miracle can save him…

Remembering Bhagawan’s Divine Assurance, of His dharma to protect His devotees, an old housewife fervently prayed to Bhagawan, as a last-ditch effort, to intervene to save her husband, who had suddenly taken ill. Praying for a miracle against all odds the woman resorted to Vibhuti given by Bhagawan Himself…and the miracle happened…Read on Sri TS Menon narrating how Bharat Kesari Sri Mannath Padmanabhan of Kerala earned a revival of life, at the ripe age of 93…from Sanathana Sarathi, November 1968. read more »

Where Are You…?

Close to two years from the March – April 2011 Divine Drama, when pangs of separation, from the beautiful physical frame, hits an earnest seeker, she asks with a heart drenched in tears the million dollar question, asking Him about His whereabouts, Where Are You…? Praying Him to end the dark nights, to end the hibernation and to transcend the Truth…writes Ms Jullie Chaudhuri, seeking the most priceless gift of His Darshan! read more »

The Unbelievable!!!

How would Sathya Sai respond to a desperate call from someone whose conviction about “Him” being God is almost nought, whose very demeanour changes into a fearful one on hearing about Him, Sri Sathya Sai? Read on from Rita Bruce who writes about Sathya Sai’s unique way of showering grace delivering a ‘family’ package, as appeared in Sanathana Sarathi, February 1986. read more »

Nirvikalpa Samadhi

Bhagawan’s ways of clearing the doubts of an aspiring mind is unique…He often responds, reading the mind of an earnest seeker, showing glimpses of higher truth, imparting lessons of profound spiritual significance. Dr T. Nallainathan, Colombo had such a beautiful experience, with Bhagawan talking about the Ultimate Goal of human sojourn. From Sanathana Sarathi, June 1967. read more »

He is greater than our greatest need…

Students are My Real Property, says Bhagawan like a proud parent time and again setting higher benchmarks for them to understand the game of life. What does Bhagawan mean for these privileged students? How do they make use of this greatest opportunity in their lives to be students in His exalted Institute? Sarmishtha Sahoo of 1st B.Sc. from Anantapur Campus of Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (now Sri Sathya Sai University) opines that Bhagawan comes down to their level to solve problems and in doing so He expects them not to stray away from the golden path. Read on Ms. Sahoo’s article published in the April 1990 issue of Sanathana Sarathi that serves an answer to the question as to how these students take this greatest opportunity to be with the Divine. read more »

Bhavam Bhavani Sahitam Namami

Breathing His essence in every breath, in hushed silence a devotee awaits the most treasured sound of His gentle footfall…of the Lord Of All Lords, The Avatar Of All Avatars…Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai…when yet another Shivarathri comes and the world over devotees keep vigil singing paeans to Lord Shiva, let them be tuned to listen to the most cherished, treasured heavenly sound of His eternal footfall..a beautiful poem from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri on the occasion of Maha Shivarathri. read more »

Don’t You Know, My Beloved Bhagawan…Then Why Don’t You…?

Akin to Radharani and Meera bai, Who gave their heart and soul to the Supreme Godhead as Bhagawan Sri Krishna, now, when Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai walks amidst us, how many of us live that ideal devoted life living for Him, in Him? …and to that devotee who breathes Him every single moment, does not He owe something Divinely spectacular?…His very own Darshan?…asks Sri Jullie Chaudhuri… read more »