Joy To The World…Let Earth Receive Her King

Celebrating one of the most charismatic event in the history of ‘His Story’ when man celebrates the Holy Advent Of His Son today should not man look within recapitulating the ideal life of Son Of God, making his life worthy by emulating his feats…it is time for everyone to arise and awake…On this holy Christmas let’s take a peek into the illustrious life and message of Lord Jesus Christ…a poem by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »

Truth of a Prophecy

Muslims around the world believe the advent of a great leader and guide, known as Hazrat Mehdi. Amidst turbulent times engulfed by materialism, when religious practices take a beating in pursuit of greedy materialism, Prof. (Mrs.) Zeba Bashiruddin attempts to decipher the prophecies with the Advent of Her Master, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai. Extracted from Sanathana Sarathi, November 1990. read more »

Are We Ready?

Bhagawan Who had made the epochal declaration, as a teenager, that “I Am Sai Baba; I have come to ward off all your troubles; keep your houses clean” had later assured a devotee: “You can be wherever you are; I shall come to you; If you call upon Me, I shall be at your side.” Endeavouring to bring ‘Him’ home, the most beloved Divine form, every devotee with pure-hearted devotion stands with a chance to win His grace to manifest Him. While meditating upon this holy task of bringing The Lord to our homes, let’s take a peek at one of His home visits happened in the early sixties…as chronicled by H Sunder Rao… Are we really ready to ‘bring Him home? …and to fathom the inexplicable potential of Prasanthi? read more »

Remember This…

Thousands upon thousands of Divine discourses, Auspicious Blissful Sight called ‘Divine Darshan’ of The Figure Of Bliss, Miracles Galore running into infinity… yet, man in deep slumber needs ‘Sailent’ reminder to wake up…to… Remember God’s Golden Promise… read more »

The Eternal Sphere Of Beloved Mother Sai Radiates – ‘God Is’

Formless Absolute Supreme descended in golden orange encapsulating Sathya Dharma Santhi Prema Ahima, paving the way for Cosmic Oneness…As the the beauty of His majestic orange continues to elude the blurred human vision, Prasanthi Nilayam, His chosen Abode is gradually meandering towards its rightful position on the world stage, as a beacon of hope, promising a United World. Reflecting on its glory and the grandeur of Bhagawan’s Avatarhood, commemorating the day He chose to move on from the physical terrain, Sri Jullie Chaudhuri writes, The Eternal Sphere Of Beloved Mother Sai Radiates  – ‘God Is’ reminding one and all that, the era of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai has precious more in store. read more »

Prasanthi Nilayam…Your Feelings Are Known To Me

Does not Prasanthi Nilayam, Holiest of the Holy…Sacrosanct Abode Of the Mightiest Divine Frame that ever blessed Mother Earth, feel for The Presence, Whose Supreme Divinity endeared her to breathe Him through and through and live in His all-embracing Grace and Love?…Prasanthi Nilayam is synonymous with Him…Prasanthi Nilayam is inseparable from Him and Prasanthi Nilayam awaits Him…an attempt to peep into Prasanthi’s supreme feelings for the Ultimate Divine walked the blessed soil…a poem from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »

Beloved Bhagawan… Many Many Happy Returns To You…

More than a thousand ‘full moons’ ago a day dawned that was to brilliantly enhance the destiny of mankind. 23rd November has ever been the ‘most celebrated’ day, with far-reaching Cosmic Significances… Commemorating The Day once again, Sri Jullie Chaudhuri writes, wishing Beloved Bhagawan “Many Many Happy Returns”, singing the Glory Of Bhagawan, singing the significance of The Day, a date that will surely be circled in gold by the moving finger of time and bedazzle generations to come… read more »

Why Ladies’ Day?

Ms Rita Bruce, author of four fast selling books on Bhagawan including the popular “Sathya Sai Parenting”, has been a long time devotee. She has travelled to 18 countries overseas as a great speaker at public meetings, conferences and seminars on the Philosophy and Teachings of Bhagawan, besides being a facilitator for the material contained in her writings, especially Sathya Sai Parenting and Love of Conscience. read more »

Love Is ‘COOL’ like Ice-cream…

Ice cream can be compared with Nirguna Brahmam…and the melting Ice cream can be called Saguna Brahmam… Using the imagery of Ice cream, Bhagawan, in His inimitable style of punning, taught the tiny tots from the Primary School the profound spiritual lesson of the ‘sixth-element’ called L – O – V – E. … Prof Kasturi’s son, Late Dr MVN Murthy chronicled the beautiful incident on an enchanting Sunday morning in ‘heavenly’ Prasanthi Nilayam… read more »

Dharma is misunderstood

What is meant by Dharma? What is the essence of Dharma? Can common people lead a happy life and survive if they stick to Dharma? Naturally, these doubts confuse the mind in the course of life, discoursed Bhagawan explaining the dark clouds loom over the righteous farbic of society… Despite God Himself telling it,  in language never spoken earlier, men of today have not leant the right lessons…The world around, happenings around indicate that man continues to ignore the Divine Call…over and over again…let’s pay heed… read more »