Exemplary Patriotism Of Subhash Chandra Bose

Addressing the devotees in Prasanthi Nilayam Bhagawan spoke on the occasion of Sixtieth Independence Day of India, on 15th August 2007, lauding the patriotic feeling of India’s foremost Freedom Fighter, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.  Commenting about Netaji’s burning desire to make India a great natioin, Bhagawan said, “No other leader had such a strong aspiration for the freedom and progress of the Country…” read more »

Sathya Sai, The OverLord Has Come…

Addressing the congregation of devotees on Nov 23, 1985 Bhagawan began His discourse with a poem in which He declared His Avataric advent as the continuation of all the earlier Avatars from Narasimha to Bhagawan Sri Krishna and beyond….And He declared, Now, with all the attributes, all the qualities has come Puttaparthi Sathya Sai, The OverLord of all. read more »

Defending Mother India…

India, the magical land of great spiritual inheritance, is hailed by Bhagawan umpteen times, teaching the students and devotees of the greater glory of Motherland India. How Bhagawan delivered a ‘pep talk, a Divine discourse to the Army personnel at Army Service Corps Centre for South India, raising the spirits of the warriors, blessing them with Divine Assurance of victory for every Truthful… Righteous attempt in the name of Mother India…!?!?!? Extracted from Bhagawan’s Divine discourse on Jan 5, 1973. read more »

Be a Lamp unto yourself and to the world…

Moses came first and then arrived Jesus…both of them were sent as Messengers to save ‘the world’ from peril. How about humans, in general…??? …Are they something less…less potent??? Answers The Supreme Source, Bhagawan Himself, urging the messiahs in each one of us to arise and awake and be a lamp unto ourselves and to the world at large. An interesting account by a Westerner connecting the message of Lord Jesus and Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai…from Sanathana Sarathi archives… read more »

A Question…?

He walks the earth as  The Lord Supreme… despite knowing this ‘Truth’, if man acts oblivious of the supreme benediction, can man ever call himself fortunate, asks Sri Jullie Chaudhuri posing a question to our readers. read more »

Grace Supreme…For A Glorious 2015…

The old is ringing out, giving way to the New… Year 2015 is at the threshold and for us, who follows our Beloved Bhagawan it is time for introspection with a furtherance of prayer, seeking His benevolence of Grace Supreme for the New Year… As Prasanthi drifting into the New Year here is a beautiful poem from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »

Letter to Beloved Mother Sai…

At a time when Beloved Bhagawan chose to enact a Divine Drama, by Himself spending 28 days at the SSSIHMS, before leaving His physical frame, the world around was engaged in incessant prayers, not to ignore the sentient world of animal, bird and creature kingdom…and many other world where humans eyes cannot pierce to grasp…How beautifully a human heart can perceive His Avataric Frame, taking it as a wholesome representation of the Cosmic Entity…His Created Universe…? Sri Jullie Chaudhuri wrote a beautiful letter, on 9 April 2011, addressing the Cosmic Creator, pleading Him to forgive on behalf of all of His children…Read on…

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“Do you not realise that the Result of all Tapasya is Here?”

In our relationship with Bhagawan are we not often tempted to take things for granted, practically failing to understand Him to be the Supreme Commander Of the Cosmic Universe!?! His ‘visiting cards’ are many, experiences with Him are many, yet man often fumbles failing to know the Truth That He Is…That He Is The Goal Of All Penance…Familiarity often breeds an attitude that tempts us to take Him for granted. Rabin Kumar Diyali, a former student, had the good fortune of learning a profound lesson in this regard, directly from our Mighty Lord…an incident from 26 winters ago.

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Yes, I Am The Cosmic Christ

Peggy Mason is a well known name in Sai circles…she was an actress in her young days, and a well-known writer later. During the second half of her life, she had been writing on spiritual and metaphysical themes, for renowned journals like Two Worlds. She and her husband Ron are spirit-minded and past seventy, they both came to India, to see Bhagawan in 1978. read more »

Hold Dear The Ideals Of Jesus

It is Christmas time again… celebrating the birth of the Holy Son. Time and again Bhagawan has spoken of the Ideal Son, inciting the ‘devotees’ to raise themselves, to a higher levels of awareness, making Jesus – The Ideal… Read on what Bhagawan has to speak about Jesus and Holy Christmas. The Sai Spiritual Story for Christmas Day from The Prasanthi Reporter. read more »