Grace Mid-Air…
Thursday, October 15, 2015
There are lessons galore for man if only he is tuned to His Inner Self, connecting every single happening around, surrendering to God’s Will. “I have learnt it is not when He saves your life that He saves you; it is when He fills your heart with love, compassion, forgiveness and tolerance that He really saves you…” writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri, narrating a ‘life-saving’ incident airborne, attributing the same to the Unceasing Grace of Beloved Mother Sai… an account from the book of poems by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri, “Mother Sai”. read more »
Posted in Reflections, Sai Spiritual Showers

My Sai… My Baba… My Beloved Sai Baba…
Monday, September 28, 2015
28th of September was the day heralding the Advent Of Sai Baba Of Shirdi…familiarly known around the world as the Fakir Of Shirdi…The Lord Who dwelled in a Mosque calling it Dwarakamai, His Chosen Abode On Planet Earth, He Was a symbol of Supreme Simplicity…Purity and Divinity…Who embraced the whole world under His loving protection…casting off all distinctions whatsoever… Celebrating His Advent Sri Jullie Chaudhuri pens a poem calling Him out … Who chose to Come to Parthi From Shirdi …yet again seeking His munificence to bless this world with His Divine Darshan! read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Sathya Sai About Shirdi Sai…
Monday, September 28, 2015
How Bhagawan Shirdi Sai, Who would often repeat ‘Dattatreya Malik’ and ‘Allah Malik’ once ‘proved’ that He is verily Lord Dattatreya and on another occasion demonstrated the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man, settling a dispute between Hindu and Muslim devotees, was narrated by Bhagawan in one of His Divine discourses… read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

From Shirdi To Parthi…
Monday, September 28, 2015
To the one who sought His grace with purity of heart and selfless devotion, Baba conferred His grace abundantly. Mataji Krishna Priya of Nagpur was one such devotee. Living in Nagpur, she would worship Krishna and considered Shirdi Baba as another form of Krishna and often frequented to Shirdi to be closer to the Divine in physical form. Read on a thrilling instance from her life featuring Sai Baba of Shirdi, Who heard the cry of a grieving soul, full of love and devotion for Him, and thus decided to reappear after His physical passing on…recounting the story as narrated by Bhagawan on the occasion of Shirdi Sai ‘Birth Anniversary’…
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

The Oneness Of Sathya Sai and Shirdi Sai…
Monday, September 28, 2015
The Unmanifest when decided to manifest in the Kali Age, He chose to don the garb of Shirdi Sai first, before coming back again as Sri Sathya Sai. How does one know the unity or oneness of the two Sai Avatars, Shirdi Sai and Sathya Sai? read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

Radha and Krishna…Becoming and Being
Monday, September 21, 2015
Monday, 21st September 2015, is being celebrated as Sri Radharani’s Appearance Day…Lord’s supreme-most devotee, Who is verily ‘Bhakti’ incarnated…After the Lord Krishna sojourn, when the Formless took on the form of Lord Sai Krishna, within every being lies dormant the ‘Radha-bhav’ writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri singing paeans to Radha Krishna on the auspicious occasion of Radhashtami. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Aum Sri Krishnaya Govindaya Gopijana Vallabhaya Namah…
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Fulfilling His promise during the Dwapara, Krishna returns in the nick of time to lift man from dire peril. He Who has come back as Sri Sathya Sai walked amongst us… loving all of us, leaving no stone unturned in ‘serving’ and thus saving His folk. On the occasion of Sri Krishna Janmashtami, let’s join once again, fervently praying to the Supreme Incarnate – to come and lift us all up – to eternal freedom. A poem from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Land Of My Birth – I Pledge To Thee…
Saturday, August 15, 2015
When Mother India is celebrating yet another Independence Day, let every citizen of this sacred Motherland remain pledged to her, showing allegience to Mother India with our life, love, passion and everlasting loyalty, echoes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Friday, August 14, 2015
What does the name “Bharath’ stand for? … and what are the different subtle connations of the term – Bharath. Bhagawan enumerates on the subject, explaining the greater significance. read more »
Posted in Sathya Sai Speaks

“…Yes, I Am The Director”
Friday, August 14, 2015
Imagine, Baba came up to you, asking you to take up a noble responsibility in spreading His message, sidelining a family ‘trauma’ involving your beloved son… who is in prolonged coma… how would the mother in you respond to this Divine Command??? …an angelic mother from the US had this rare Divine Test, inside the interview room, only to come out obedient, accepting The Divine Command per se. Read on as Ms Berniece Mead explains the rarest Sai Test, in her book “Letters From “J”. (Ms Berniece had narrated this experience in the recently held SSE Conference in Prasanthi Nilayam.) read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers