What We Eat Creates The World Around Us…
Thursday, August 29, 2019
When one delves deep into His teachings, what our Beloved Bhagawan has professed, what emerges out are pearls of wisdom along with profound revelations galore, asking man to mend and amend. Ms. Mercini Sheratt’s passion and love for His Teachings help us to unearth some of the most relevant facts and truths… especially in the area of vegetarianism and love for animal kingdom. Read on… (Late Ms. Mercini Sheratt from the United Kingdom was a champion animal lover who tirelessly worked for the co-existing world of varied lives, following Bhagawan’s Teachings) read more »
Posted in Animal and Nature

The Onus Of The Prasanthi Tag – The ‘Burden’ Of Being a ‘Prasanthi Nilayam Representative’
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Puttaparthi is undoubtedly ‘The Land That Did Penance’, and Prasanthi Nilayam, ‘The Supreme Abode Of Peace’. For them who are blessed to be…, …blessed to live in ‘His Own’ sacrosanct Prasanthi Nilayam, does the ‘code of conduct’ remain the same like any other place, or does it come with any special ‘responsible’ tag? …An enlightening reminder from Bhagawan HimSelf. Read on… read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers, Sathya Sai Speaks

The Only Correct Definition Of Truth Is, ‘That Which Krishna Speaks’…
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Who else other than Bhagawan can describe the attributes and features of His previous ‘Avatar’ Bhagawan Sri Krishna, Who descended over five thousand years ago during the Dwapara!?! …And when He HimSelf speaks about HimSelf, it becomes a rare spiritual feast. Bhagwan discoursed on the Sri Krishna Janmashtami occasion in the year 1977, “this day is being celebrated as the ‘BirthDay’ of Krishna, not for the reason that Krishna is being born every year, but, because the hour, the asterisk, the month and the season during which He was born ages ago, recur every year, and this day, we have the same conjunction as happened when He was born millennia ago. Read on an extract from this Divine discourse, delivered at the Brindavan Hostel, Whitefield, Bengaluru.
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Posted in Sathya Sai Speaks

When ‘i’ Serve…Do ‘i’ Serve?
Sunday, August 18, 2019
When human mind poses many a question driving into serious introspection, it leads one to new vistas, greater realms of conscious evolution. …And here he declares, surrendering all his actions at Him, praying ‘heart-fully’ for greater unity, universal brotherhood, Peace n’ Love for Samastha Lokas… all the worlds… a poetic expression from a Punaikar, Sri Sudarshan Nasery. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Will We Pay Heed To Him???
Friday, August 16, 2019
He spoke not once, but time and time again, exhorting man to follow the path of righteousness, so that he will one day be eligible to inherit His Glory, His true legacy. A ‘Sailent’ reminder for you and me from The Supreme Voice Of Eternity. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers, Sathya Sai Speaks

What Is Spiritual(ity)?
Friday, May 17, 2019
What is spiritual(ity) has always been a question with million-dollar complexities. Man, in his folly to judge anything and everything often mistakes himself defining ‘spiritual’ to his sweet convenience. As one moves forward in the earthly terrain called life, tuning in, facing the oddities face off with deep trust within, he understands the true meaning of spirituality, that life in its entirety becomes ‘spiritual’. Read on… read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

Eashwaramma…the Amma Of SaiEashwara…
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Who is Easwaramma? She is the mother of Easwara, said Bhagawan discoursing about the most privileged mother on planet earth, and in the entire creation, whose supreme destiny to carry ‘God’ in physical in her womb would ever remain unmatched, in the history ‘His-Story’. Sacrificing her claim upon her ‘Bundle Of Joy’ for the sake of humanity, the simple rustic illiterate mother hailing from Puttaparthi often stayed away from the limelight, astutely following Him with a heart full of love and devotion. Looking back into ‘His Story’, while dwelling upon the beauty of this tender-hearted Chosen Mother of Beloved Mother Sai, let’s join ‘Mother Sai Poet’ Sri Jullie Chaudhuri in singing this Supreme Mother’s glory, remembering Her on the occasion of Mother Easwaramma Day, on 6th May. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Why Do We Call Him Back???
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Never before in the ‘His-Story’ of Avatars that we witnessed countless clamour for an encore… encore of His Earthly Sojourn. Be it in the Treta or in the Dwapara or even after in the first quarter of the 20th century with Shirdi Sai… there was never any clamour for an encore. With Sri Sathya Sai, The One Who ‘hailed’ HimSelf as ‘Sarvadevadaateeta Swarupa‘… The One Who Is Beyond All Other Forms… after the Divinely ‘fateful’ April 2011, there has been innumerable instances of calling Him back… why? …and how do we manifest Him back? …a poetic ‘reminder’ from the desk of ‘The Prasanthi Reporter’. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Do You Watch TV???
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
A devotee class apart, standing tall, mentoring, inspiring and guiding the student fraternity, Prof. HJ Bhagia from Prasanthi Nilayam has many a tale to tell… of His Classic Touch Of Grace. After leaving his corporate assignments in Mumbai long ago, Prof. Bhagia ‘came into His fold’ never to turn back, pitching in firmly, plunging deep into the Mighty Ocean Of Sri Sathya Sai, growing in faith, sheer faith with absolute surrender. A beautiful piece of incident from the revered professor’s life, as chronicled in the souvenir published during the occasion of Cheti Chand, ‘Anmol Yaadgiriun’. (edited to suit the page) read more »
Posted in Reflections, Reliving Timeless Memories, Sadhana - The Inward Path, Sai Spiritual Showers, Straight From The Heart

OneNess – The Mantra Of True Truth Aspirants…
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Ekoham Bahusyami – the most authentic Indian scriptural declaration about the process of creation indicates that in the ‘beginningless’ beginning The One chose to become many. The Big Bang theory of the western philosophy also points towards the same truth, of The One multiplying into many. The term ‘Oneness’ points towards The One without any second, call it Totality or The Absolute. Isn’t it the beginning of the ‘beginningless’ beginning? If one subtly observes the created world around, the answer becomes quite clear that, there is no second thing, except The One. To understand this man has to exercise a reverse engineering process, turning himself inward, instead of being focused on the illusory, hallucinatory world around. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions, Lest We Forget, Reflections, Sadhana - The Inward Path, Straight From The Heart