Archive for the ‘Sai Lent’ Category

The ‘SaiLent’ Beginning Of Sai-Lent…
Monday, March 24, 2025
The Christian Lent, as a religious practice, was an unknown to me until March 2016. It was in March 2016 when I had travelled to Pune, on a visit to my ‘adopted’ mother, that I happened to hear of the same for the first time. One fine morning, during a dog-walk within the living society premises, she had something profound to share with me, baring her heart full of something new, fragrant, that was welling up. She said: ‘…I have a strong, surging feeling within that we should sanctify this period (ensuing period of Bhagawan’s SSSIHMS stay) by doing something profound, by walking His path, walking His talk, practising Him, paying our reverence and gratitude to Him…for all that He stands for?’…She went on: ’I don’t know, this ‘Sai-Lent’ keeps hitting me over and over again. I have an unusual inner feeling about it.’ From The Prasanthi Reporter’s desk. read more »
Posted in Sadhana Aradhana, Sai Lent

Beloved Bhagawan And The Period Of Lent
Monday, March 24, 2025
Bhagawan chose the period of Lent in 2011 for His stay in the SSSIHMS and His – this most baffling, unfathomable Drama culminating in the ‘withdrawal’ of His Beatific Form. Quite significantly, what does this period mean and signify to each one of us…to all us…to every bit on Planet Earth? Sri Jullie Chaudhuri reminisces… read more »
Posted in Reflections, Sadhana Aradhana, Sai Lent

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai And The Period He Silently ‘Lent’ Us
Monday, March 24, 2025
We are passing through a unique period of Sai Lent… a period of intense sadhana, as rightly called, Sai Sadhana – Sai Aradhana. For The Supreme Resolve Whose Munificence touched you and me and His entire creation, we humans, being His contemporaries, recipients of His boundless bounty of Love, must resolve to step back to Him… silently recapitulating His Life and the Sai Lent He ‘Lent’ Us… knowing its fullest significance… a thought-provoking writing from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri commemorating the period of Sai Lent. read more »
Posted in Reflections, Sadhana Aradhana, Sai Lent