Archive for the ‘Reflections’ Category

Sri Sathya Sai Darshana Mahotsavam
Friday, October 11, 2019
‘Sweeter and sweeter as the days go by’ is perhaps the right expression to describe the Beauty Beyond Compare Divine Darshan in Prasanthi Nilayam. At a time when Darshan sessions are becoming shorter and shorter, one can find an increasing awareness among the devotees, of the greater importance of Divine Darshan! …thus goes our Darshan Update for the 4th day in the month of March of the fateful year 2011. A Darshan meditation with the SamPoorna Avatar in sacrosanct Prasanthi Nilayam. read more »
Posted in His Darshan - The Beauty Beyond Compare!, Indelible Impressions, Reflections, Reliving Timeless Memories

Do You Watch TV???
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
A devotee class apart, standing tall, mentoring, inspiring and guiding the student fraternity, Prof. HJ Bhagia from Prasanthi Nilayam has many a tale to tell… of His Classic Touch Of Grace. After leaving his corporate assignments in Mumbai long ago, Prof. Bhagia ‘came into His fold’ never to turn back, pitching in firmly, plunging deep into the Mighty Ocean Of Sri Sathya Sai, growing in faith, sheer faith with absolute surrender. A beautiful piece of incident from the revered professor’s life, as chronicled in the souvenir published during the occasion of Cheti Chand, ‘Anmol Yaadgiriun’. (edited to suit the page) read more »
Posted in Reflections, Reliving Timeless Memories, Sadhana - The Inward Path, Sai Spiritual Showers, Straight From The Heart

OneNess – The Mantra Of True Truth Aspirants…
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Ekoham Bahusyami – the most authentic Indian scriptural declaration about the process of creation indicates that in the ‘beginningless’ beginning The One chose to become many. The Big Bang theory of the western philosophy also points towards the same truth, of The One multiplying into many. The term ‘Oneness’ points towards The One without any second, call it Totality or The Absolute. Isn’t it the beginning of the ‘beginningless’ beginning? If one subtly observes the created world around, the answer becomes quite clear that, there is no second thing, except The One. To understand this man has to exercise a reverse engineering process, turning himself inward, instead of being focused on the illusory, hallucinatory world around. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions, Lest We Forget, Reflections, Sadhana - The Inward Path, Straight From The Heart

Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu…
Friday, October 5, 2018
On the 31st August, 2008, in the bhajan hall in Prasanthi Nilayam, in presence of a small congregation of former students, it was an easy transition for the Supreme Lord Of The Universe, transmuting an already established Vedic Universal Mantra into a new one… and in that epochal moment birthed the revised Universal Maha Mantra, “Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu“…meaning “May All The Beings In All The Worlds Be Happy And Peaceful”. read more »
Posted in Reflections

The You Inside Of You Is Waiting For You…
Sunday, March 25, 2018
25th March 2011, the Divine Chariot cruised along on a carpet of adoration that distinctly flowed from every heart that had gathered in Sai Kulwant Hall that evening, for a glimpse of God. All necks craned to view this most adored form. Awe, exultation and deep reverence did exude forth embracing the ever loving and living God. This exhibition of ‘The Beauty Beyond Compare’ is chronicled as ‘The Ultimate Darshan – Thus Far”. Commemorating the momentous moment that has no parallel, as one more 25th March approaches, Sri Jullie Chaudhuri takes her devotional imagination recapitulating the ‘The Incomparable Beauty Of The Beauty Beyond Compare. read more »
Posted in Indelible Impressions, Reflections, Reliving Timeless Memories, Straight From The Heart

Singing Unto Infinity…
Thursday, February 2, 2017
An atmosphere soaked in music, a heart swelled with sorrow: this was the mood that Playback Singer K.S. Chitra owned while visiting Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba every time. Each visit was the result of salvation from previous births… and each song led to the Ocean of Milk – Sai Love!!! read more »
Posted in Reflections, Straight From The Heart

Woman – The Pillar Of A Value Based Society
Friday, November 18, 2016
As a precursor to the celebration of the Sacred Day of Advent, in honour of and to recognise the contribution of women, Beloved Mother Sai declared 19th November to be respectfully and joyfully observed as Ladies Day. The above lines are a tribute to all feminine beings in creation…winged, finned, four and two legged. May they know in some unique way that their presence and essence is being appreciated and applauded. A reflective article by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Reflections, Women & Virtue

Hadshi Prayed And The Lord Responded…
Friday, October 28, 2016
How could the Lord stay away from His devotees’ repeated calling? How could He not respond to their persistent yearning? How much longer could He stay away…? Mr Shivajirao Jadhav’s invitation was worded with care, and decorated with the colours of love. It reached the Divine hands and got acquiescence. On the occasion of the sixth anniversary of Bhagawan’s Hadshi visit, let’s recap those blissful days of Bhagawan’s Pune-Hadshi visit… writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri from Pune. read more »
Posted in Reflections, Reliving Timeless Memories

How I Came To Sai Baba
Thursday, June 16, 2016
“Daddy, we call ourselves Christians, so why do we bow to Sai Baba?” “You are right Richmond”, “but how about finding a little about Him, then we can decide to pull out or throw in our lot with Him” … Dr Victor Krishna Kanu writes about his coming into the ‘fold’ of Bhagawan, extracted from his book “Sathya Sai Baba – God Incarnate”. read more »
Posted in Reflections

In The Cosmic Classroom…
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
As is in the worldly scene, where we await our graduation day, often wishing to graduate with flying colours, so are we to be tried in the Cosmic Classroom when the graduation day arrives – with the final verdict being delivered by the Ultimate Divine. What ought to be the aspirations of the Ultimate Master Who has brought us into this worldly scene, with expectations galore, as Mother Divine??? Every aspirant in the Sai Path must be aware of this status, awaiting the Graduation Day from the Cosmic Classroom… always working hard to qualify at ease… to become That…writes Jullie Chaudhuri, rhyming on the theme of Cosmic Classroom. read more »
Posted in Reflections, Say It Poetically, Straight From The Heart