Archive for the ‘Indelible Impressions’ Category

Radha – Supreme Devotee Of Lord Krishna
Monday, September 24, 2012
Pine for dhara, dhara and you find that you are pining for Radha, Radha, said Bhagawan discoursing on the Unmatched Supreme devotion of Radharani for Bhagawan Sri Krishna. Many are the wondrous tales of her devotional feats for Lord Krishna and Bhagawan had narrated some such wondrous tales in His Divine Discourses. Remembering the Mother Of Supreme Devotion, Radharani, a couple of beautiful stories from the life of Radharani, as recounted by Bhagawan Himself. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions, Lessons From The Epics

Are You Spying On Him?!?
Sunday, September 16, 2012
How often have we seen the perfect ‘human face’ of the Avatar descended, our Beloved Bhagawan, living His life among men, talking, joking and laughing – like humans, touching every heart with His indelible impressions of Supreme Love. An interesting instance involving Prof Kasturi, Indra Devi and Beloved Bhagawan. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions

Unto Sai a witness
Monday, August 27, 2012
Prof N. Kasturi was undoubtedly the most familiar name in Sai fraternity who lived an astounding forty years in close proximity to the Avatar of the Age, serving Him in His mission in various capacities. The Professor whose genius had many pens in his pocket was His ‘charge d’affaires’ and when the right time for Prasanthi’s premier publishing enterprise arrived it was Prof Kasturi who was ordained to take mission ahead, the mission of Sanathana Sarathi. Remembering the legend, on this occasion of quarter century of His ascent, who was the first Editor of Sanathana Sarathi and the first Convener of Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publications Trust, we reproduce what his successor Sri VK Narasimhan had written for Sanathana Sarathi announcing the ascent of the doyen, merging at His Lotus Feet!
“Death is the denouement of the drama of life,” wrote Prof Kasturi in 1981. That denouement came to him on August 14 at noon, a few minutes after Bhagawan Baba saw him in the Sathya Sai Hospital at Prasanthi Nilayam. He was 90. read more »
Posted in Indelible Impressions