Archive for the ‘Animal and Nature’ Category

The Tiger Skin Story From Prasanthi Nilayam
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
When He walked the Earth as Sri Sathya Sai, every moment with Him turned out to be a lesson, lesson in watching Him ‘walking His talk’, making His Life His Message for everyone to follow. Long ago during His teen days, Bhagawan encountered an English hunter at Uravakonda, who sought after Him for His magical help in starting his stranded vehicle in the forest. …And Bhagawan left him ‘enlightened’ asking him not to shoot any more wild beasts, advising him to shoot them with his camera. …And thus the story of Bhagawan’s tiger mat in the bhajan hall in Prasanthi Nilayam, as narrated by Prof Kasturi in ‘Sathyam Sivam Sundaram’. While reading this, one need to understand the inner significance of the tiger skin in spirituality. Tiger skin is symbolic of conquering animal, beastial tendecies or vasanas in man.
Posted in Animal and Nature, Indelible Impressions, Lest We Forget

See Me in a dog also… D O G – dog will lead you to God – G-O-D
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Some years ago, at the end of a Guru Purnima Divine discourse, Bhagawan urged the devotees to develop compassion. Bhagawan said then, See Me in a dog also… D O G – dog will lead you to God – G-O-D. What a beautiful statement hidden with Supreme Truth of coexistence! True, one needs to rise to a level of higher consciousness to understand and imbibe this Supreme Truth. With Bhagawan HimSelf showing all-out compassion for all of His creation, are we not, His ‘devotees’ bound to practise His precepts? Let’s learn a lesson from the Life of Bhagawan at Shirdi as to how He Taught To See GOD in a DOG, an insightful reminder from the Sai Satcharita… read more »
Posted in Animal and Nature, Sai Spiritual Showers

3 Tales Of Unsurpassed Loyalty and Devotion
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
After the initiation into the rephrased Cosmic MahaMantra, Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu, Prasanthi Nilayam reverberated for a brief period with the Mantra Samastha Jeevah Sukhino Bhavantu, tenderly touching each being individually, thus covering the entire Srushti, Creation. Is not our Beloved Master Supreme all-encompassing, that He represents The Oneness of entire creation. Bhagawan during His sojourn on Earth did love all creatures, explicitly demonstrating for the world around the supreme significance of the Cosmic MahaMantra, Samastha Jeevah Sukhino Bhavantu! An article by avid animal lover, Late Ms Mercini Sheratt from the United Kingdom, penned a few years ago. read more »
Posted in Animal and Nature, Sai Spiritual Showers

Love In All Of Creation
Thursday, March 5, 2020
“Love is present not only in human beings but also in all creatures, birds or beasts. Nor is that all; it is in fact all-pervasive. Love pervades everything in Creation. Man’s humanness is vitiated when he fails to recognise this love”, said Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Man, who is considered as the top-ranked creature in the evolutionary ladder is often found lacking, lagging behind in practising ‘LovE’. Today, when he falters, owing to the ‘timely’ influence of the Age Of Kali, he can better learn from the world of mute children of Beloved Mother Sai, of practising LovE. A story from the Shirdi Baba time followed by another one from the collections of late (Ms) Mercini Sherrat of the UK, a champion crusader for the world of Sai’s mute children. read more »
Posted in Animal and Nature, Sai Spiritual Showers

Why Do Seva For Animals?
Friday, January 31, 2020
Where man believes in the Fatherhood Of God, he is bound to follow His precept “All Are One…” fulfilling His dictum per word, acting upon it by being “Alike To Everyone…” Quoting Bhagawan’s precious gems on service to the co-inhabiting world of creatures, Late Ms. Mercini Sheratt, a champion animal lover who tirelessly worked for the co-existing world of varied lives, writes about the supreme significance of doing service to this unique world of beings. After a glorious earthly sojourn carrying a precious heart filled with Love All Serve All, Help Ever Hurt Never, this Champion Crusader of the muted ones traveled back to The Source some time back, merging at Bhagawan’s Divine Lotus Feet. Ms. Mercini has always been our constant inspiration, for this particular section of The Prasanthi Reporter. Honoring SSIO’s crusade for Animal Love under the theme LOVE FOR ANIMALS, we continue with our series from Prasanthi Nilayam, carrying on ‘being’ their voice. read more »
Posted in Animal and Nature

What We Eat Creates The World Around Us…
Thursday, August 29, 2019
When one delves deep into His teachings, what our Beloved Bhagawan has professed, what emerges out are pearls of wisdom along with profound revelations galore, asking man to mend and amend. Ms. Mercini Sheratt’s passion and love for His Teachings help us to unearth some of the most relevant facts and truths… especially in the area of vegetarianism and love for animal kingdom. Read on… (Late Ms. Mercini Sheratt from the United Kingdom was a champion animal lover who tirelessly worked for the co-existing world of varied lives, following Bhagawan’s Teachings) read more »
Posted in Animal and Nature

Water For The Parched Throats…
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
If you have known a parched throat, acute dehydration and overwhelming thirst on a blistering summer day, you will understand another’s craving for a few drops of water. Come summer, there are many many wandering ‘souls’ with parched throats, dying for a drop of water. An inspirational piece of exhortation asking fellow devotees to do the least bit for the four legged and winged ones of Beloved Mother Sai… from the pen of Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Animal and Nature, Love All Serve All

Why Do Seva For Animals?
Saturday, October 22, 2016
If man believes in the Fatherhood Of God, then he is bound to follow His precept “All Are One…” fulfilling His dictum per word, acting upon it by being “Alike To Everyone…” Quoting Bhagawan’s precious gems on service to the co-inhabiting world of creatures, Late Ms. Mercini Sheratt, a champion animal lover who tirelessly worked for the co-existing world of varied lives, writes about the supreme significance of doing service to this special world of beings. After a glorious earthly sojourn carrying a precious heart filled with Love All Serve All… Help Ever Hurt Never, this Champion Crusader of the muted ones travelled back to The Source last year… merging at Bhagawan’s Divine Lotus Feet. Mercini has ever been our constant inspiration, for this particular section of The Prasanthi Reporter. Honouring SSIO’s crusade for Animal Love, with its SERVE THE PLANET being named after animals under the title – LOVE FOR ANIMALS… we continue with our series from Prasanthi Nilayam, carrying on ‘being’ their voice. read more »
Posted in Animal and Nature

Water For The Parched Throats…
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
If you have known a parched throat, acute dehydration and overwhelming thirst on a blistering summer day, you will understand another’s craving for a few drops of water. Come summer, there are many many wandering ‘souls’ with parched throats, dying for a drop of water. An inspirational piece exhortation, asking fellow devotees to do the least bit for the four legged and winged ones of Beloved Mother Sai… (courtesy: Sri Sathya Sai News Letter – Pune) read more »
Posted in Animal and Nature, Love All Serve All

The Adventure Of Green Hanuman…
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Having been born here on Earth, growing here, are we ever grateful to Mother Earth?…the mother that grants us everything, wherewithal for our daily living…are we humans ever thinking of the pristine selfless love Mother Earth holds for her children? Humans were not doing so need to change their perceptions and look upon Mother Earth with love, respect and reverence…Worshipping Bhumata…Mother Earth…an interesting article depicting human love and concern for Mother Earth and Mother Nature…an interesting article by Sri Sai Santosh, published on behalf of USA Sai Region 4 Young Adults, on, an off-shoot of the official website of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations – Worldwide.
Posted in Animal and Nature