Drama on the life of Confucius…
Friday, February 7th, 2014
Continuing with the spirit of Chinese New Year Celebrations, this evening Sai Youth from Indonesia presented a drama on the life of Chinese Philosopher and Spiritual Master Confucius here in Prasanthi Nilayam. Confucius had brought revolutionary changes in China with his unsurpassed wisdom, affecting the society at large, positively.
Earlier, the programme for the evening commenced at 1650 hrs. with the Malaysian Choir taking the honours presenting a Spirited Choir programme. Singing tunes of religious universal harmony the youth, comprising both men and women, signed off in style melodiously singing “Akhanda Jyothi Jalaao Sai Mana Mandir Mein…”, fervently praying to Bhagawan for His munificence.
Dr VK Ravindran, Chairman, Zone 4, SSSSO – Overseas then addressed the assembly introducing the ensuing session. Wishing one and all a Happy Holy Chinese New Year, Dr Ravindran introduced the speaker for the session, Bro. Yong KW from Malaysia, who deliberated on the theme “Chinese Culture and Traditions”.
Bro. KW Yong whose maiden pilgrimage to Prasanthi was in the year 1994 spoke of Sai as the Mastermind. Extensively quoting Bhagawan, Yong said: Bhagawan is the Mastermind of our lives; transformation happens when we align our lives with His laws. Bro. Yong who is currently the Wise Chairman of Sathya Sai Organisations – Malaysia also divulged in brief details of the Organisational initiaitive to take Bhagawan’s messages to the masses through publishing media.
Sai Youth, Youth Vikas from Indonesia, then presented a drama entitled “The Confucius – The Righteous” on the life of legendary Chinese philospher, teacher and Spiritual Master Confucius who lived over 2500 years ago. The presentation was set in a homely background having a grand father and grand daughter engaged in discussions leading unto Sai, Nine Point Code Of Conduct. Caught off guard by the grandfather, for knowing Sai as Everything, but not practising His 9-Point Code Of Conduct, when the girl turned perplexed, a consoling and caring grand father, pacifyied the girl narrating the ideal life story of Confucius.
Showing some of the noted incidents from his illustrious life, highlighting his golden rule: “What we do not expect others do to us then do not do it to others”, the presentation illustrated how Confucius could bring radical changes in Chinese civilisation, helping the society from the clutches of despicable inhuman rules. Even as a famous Confucius subsequently earned the warth of jealous men in the palace, resulting in him being exiled from the Kingdom, Confucius travelled across the country preaching his philosophy to the eager and anxious ones only to return much wiser helping humanity at large, leaving his footprints in the sands of time.
A couple of dance presentations followed before the studnets burst into Bhajans that ended with Bhagawan singing Thursday Special “Ksheerabdi Shayana Narayana…”
Mangala Arathi at 1830 hrs. marked the end of the proceedings.
II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
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