Sri Rudra Vijayam on Maha Shivarathri Eve…

When the Cosmic Dancer Lord Nataraja shakes His cosmic frame, leaping and swinging His legs, ankle bells jingling , shells blowing and arms reaching out like a cross, fiercely looking deep into His creation…He becomes Rudra and His dance is Rudra Thandava, His cosmic interplay of dynamic and static energy flow, containing five principles of eternal energy, creation, preservation, destruction, illusion and emancipation.

Sri Rudra Vijayam on Maha Shivarathri Eve…

This evening, on the eve of Maha Shivarathri, the Prasanthi Dance Group of students from SSSIHL, Prasanthi Nilayam presented a Musical Dance Presentation entitled ‘Sri Rudra Vijayam’ depicting the epochal battle between Lord Nataraja, the Eternal Cosmic Dancer and Daksha Prajapathi, son of Lord Brahma and ruler of Temple Town Varanasi, whose daughter Sati defied her father marrying Lord Shiva.

Sri Rudra Vijayam on Maha Shivarathri Eve…

The story began with Lord Shiva along with His servitors visiting Temple Town Kasi, seeking food to appease His hunger.

Sri Rudra Vijayam on Maha Shivarathri Eve…

Being denied and insulted by the King, Daksha Prajapathi, Shiva calls out Mother Divine. Even as Mother Annapoorna Herself comes and feeds Shiva along with servitors, Shiva begins to dance in joy after appeasing His hunger.

Sri Rudra Vijayam on Maha Shivarathri Eve…

Enamoured by His beauty Daksha’s daughter Sati falls for The Lord and marries Him against the wish of her father, Daksha Prajapathi.

Revengeful and full of feud Daksha arranges for a grand Yajna, purposely avoiding Lord Shiva and Sati. Snubbed by her father and treated with disdain, Sati was nonetheless calm, continuously pleading all and sundry for the honour of her husband.

Sri Rudra Vijayam on Maha Shivarathri Eve…

On seeing the shameless insult to her husband in His absence, and the repeated slights King Daksha and his courtiers railed at Shiva, she leaves her mortal frame, grieving for her Beloved Lord.

Sri Rudra Vijayam on Maha Shivarathri Eve…

The story reaches its climax with Lord Shiva making His grant entry, dancing into the Yajna Hall, full of fury and fire, dancing to annihilate Daksha.

Sri Rudra Vijayam on Maha Shivarathri Eve…

Terrified and with remorse the others propitiates Lord Shiva and begging for His mercy to restore Daksha’s life and to allow the sacrifice to be completed. She becomes calm, thus restoring Daksha back to life…

Sri Rudra Vijayam on Maha Shivarathri Eve…

Compiling the story-line together, the presentation was interspersed with commentary, Shiva Strotrams, Veda chanting in the backdrop with Lord Nataraja dancing His steps in the middle.

Sri Rudra Vijayam on Maha Shivarathri Eve…

Bhajans continued and ended with Mangala Arathi at 1800 hrs.”

Tomorrow, on the auspicious Shivarathri Day, students from SSSIHL would sing special strotrams at 0830 hrs. after half-an-hour Veda chanting in the morning. In the evening, Rudra Abhishekam to Sayeeshwara Lingam of Ati Rudra Maha Yajna – 2006 would be offered, commencing at 1630 hrs., after half-an-hour Veda chanting. At 1745 hrs., Bhagawan’s Divine discourse would be aired that would be followed by the commencement of Night-long Vigil of Singing paeans to Lord Shiva.

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II