Beloved Bhagawan And The Period Of Lent

Bhagawan chose the period of Lent in 2011 for His stay in the SSSIHMS and His – this most baffling, unfathomable Drama culminating in the ‘withdrawal’ of His Beatific Form. Quite significantly, what does this period mean and signify to each one of us…to all us…to every bit on Planet Earth? Sri Jullie Chaudhuri reminisces…

Why did He choose this time of Lent? What can we make of it with our limited awareness and understanding? Have we given Him our best? How can we make up for the pain we caused by our lack and lackadaisical attitude? Are we not writhing within? Are we giving Him our best? Are we giving ourselves our best? Are our souls swimming against the tide? Are we learning our lessons? Are we being true to ourselves? What else, what else, what else? What else is there, what else can we do, how can we reach within…how else can we reach out? Is there harmony in our thoughts, purity in our words, our intentions and actions? Are we true to His dharma of Ahimsa at a micro level? Is anyone totally free from violence as an individual? Is there love in our hearts…the unconditional love of Christ…are the doors open for an ounce of an ounce of the Prema of Sai…to flow and touch other beings…with gentle Shanti?

This is a solemn period of Christ Consciousness…of penance, of tolerance, of reflection, introspection, discipline, devotion…a widening and deepening of perception. This is also an exclusive chapter in the book of our life…so linked to an exceptionally unique, mystically mysterious section in His Story… that we need to read and reread…to merge and submerge in…to dive, discern and learn. The soul journeys through the lanes and bylanes of Prarthana, Aradhana, Sadhana, Prem Vandana…idolizing His Mahima, attracting His Anugaraha…prayer, worship, dedicated spiritual discipline…attracting His sweet grace while offering soulful adorations along with chintan, contemplation…on His Glory…on what we have hitherto seen and are yet to witness furthermore for the Avatar’s Word is final and supreme.

So many unrecognised Christs are being persecuted and crucified each day…from amongst the wondrous myriad beings that are an intrinsic part of creation. Our thoughts, attitudes and reach can make a difference. We need to consciously be aware, know and accept ourselves as vast reservoirs of energy…and exude incessant love, peace, amity, purity and care. Exude, exude, cleanse and exude. Such a knowing and emitting enhances the sphere we choose to encircle ourselves in…and this is the sync we convey…and emanate into the environment. It then goes on to make an exceptional positive effect all around…not only in our personal universe but cosmically too. Intensity for individual spiritual growth along with the spirit to serve with verve is the key. Bhagawan’s compassion has to be our mission. Don’t we all feel crucified at times on the cross of our longing for Him, howsoever fleetingly…when mundane, worldly activities compellingly draw our attention and participation? Our earnest sentiments of expansion of consciousness, of kindred harmony of unity…isn’t this what we all owe to that period of Lent…spilling over to this present time too…for healing the environment…heartfelt expressions meant for earth, for ourselves, for each other…for the infinitely Beloved One?

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II