Soulful Musical ‘Sai Parijata’ by North Kanchipuram Youth Girls…

Sai Youth girls from the Parthi Yatra contingent of North Kanchipuram district of Tamil Nadu presented a programme – Sai Parijatha, a bouquet of musicals interspersed with ‘Experiences with Swami’ this morning at the Sanctum Sanctorum in Prasanthi Nilayam.

Soulful Musicals – Sai Parijata by North Kanchipuram Youth Girls…

The half-an-hour long session of delightful songs and heartfelt experiences of His Touch Of Love n’ Grace was followed by soulful bhajans led together by the Balvikas boys and Youth girls from the district. Mangala Arathi to Bhagawan marked the end of the session.

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II