Easwaramma Puraskar Ceremony…

Prasanthi Nilayam today ‘witnessed’ some of the awe-inspiring tales of ‘selfless-service’ as to what ‘women empowerment’ is…, in a function organised by the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations – Karnataka. ‘Easwaramma Puraskar’ celebrating the holiness of womanhood, women empowerment was given away to three distinguished social ‘selfless’ servants this evening in His immediate Divine OmniPresence in Prasanthi Nilayam. The ‘Easwaramma Puraskar’ honouring women of exemplary social commitments started in the year 2010 and have been meticulously following the tradition following Bhagawan’s explicit Divine directions. Many distinguished women have been honoured over the past nine years for their exemplary contribution to society. The awardees for the year are, Smt. Tulasamma Kelur, Smt. Gayathri Narayan and Ms. Seethamma Jodatti for their contribution in the field of service to the visually impaired and destitute children, eye donation by way of eye-retrieving lighting up the dark side of the visually impaired, serving the women of Devadasi system helping them to lead normal life, respectively. Hon’ble Mrs. Justice BV Nagarathna of the High Court Of Karnataka, the chief guest for the function, gave away the awards.

Easwaramma Puraskar Ceremony…

Addressing the assembly on the occasion, the Hon’ Justice spoke of women empowerment and social service, touching the society at large. Lauding each of the three awardees for the year, hailing them as realised beings, the Chief Justice in her speech identified (a) inherent compassion (b) humanistic approach (c) care and affection for society being the essentials of selfless service.

Heart and mind with total devotion to service is required to shine forth with such role-model selfless approach, noted the speaker advocating for channelising the energy of the youth in useful ways. Society would be rich with such involvement of children and youth, observed the speaker, identifying social service as a meaningful way to lead one’s life. It is a road to spirituality, affirmed the chief guest.

In his concluding remarks, Sri Nimish Pandya, All India President Of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations urged the devotees to tap their inherent Divinity to serve the society selflessly. Women are the strength of Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisations, certified the AIP citing how Bhagawan’s first ever educational institution came up in Anantapur dedicated for women.Riveting bhajans by the Mahila Wing of SSSSO – Karnataka followed next and the session concluded with Mangala Arathi to Beloved Bhagawan.

Easwaramma Puraskar Ceremony…

Earlier, the session in the evening commenced with a holistic palanquin procession escorting Beloved Bhagawan to the chants of Vedic hymns and bhajans, attended by a huge group of women followed by the group of men. A Swagatam (welcome) song welcoming The Lord followed next. Mrs. Nirmala Murthy, Convener, Easwaramma Puraskar then briefed the story of the inception of the Puraskar that was followed by a brief video with the contents of previous Puraskar ceremonies. In a token gesture of love and service, SSSSO-Karnataka donated 500 baby kits to the Easwaramma Women Welfare Trust, Prasanthi Nilayam during the occasion.

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II