Archive for 2015

Walk Your Values – message from Andhra – Telangana Balvikas…

Walk Your Values was the message from children today when over three hundred Balvikas students from the twin Telugu speaking States – Andhra Pradesh and Telangana walked into the hallowed Sai Kulwant precincts this morning, participating in a colourful Sri Sathya Sai Amritotsavamu Rally that forms part of their six-day Parthi Yatra here, in Prasanthi Nilayam. read more »

Andhra – Telangana Parthi Yatra commences…

Figure 90 is wielding its magical charm in Sai circles all over. Celebrating the 90th year of His Advent, aptly titled “90 Years of Pure Love”, the fraternity is all abuzz and so is Prasanthi Nilayam. Running into the D-Day in November, there is going to be a string of cultural offerings by various State organisational units here, in the immediate Divine Presence. read more »

Radio Sai @ 13

Radio Sai is 13 this month. Since its inception in 2003, this Digital Radio Channel from Prasanthi Nilayam has grown in leaps and bounds, taking the reins in disseminating Bhagawan’s message around the world.  Today, Radio Sai is very much a household name in the Sai fraternity. read more »

Grand Finale of Onam Celebrations…

The week-long Prasanthi Onam celebrations came to a grand culmination this evening, marked by a drama presentation and award ceremony. read more »

Thiruvonam in Prasanthi Nilayam…

Onam is not just another festivity to cherish and make merry, but a grand age-old tradition with a great cultural and spiritual foundation. Taking a cue from this grand tradition, the modern populace must strive to recreate the golden past of the Mahabali Era, by following Bhagawan’s dictums in thought, word and deed. In the bygone days, Bhagawan would invariably speak of ‘Bali Chakravarthi’, heaping praise on the Emperor for the ideals he stood for. read more »

Radha Bhakti by Kerala children…

Pre-Onam celebrations over the week-end have escalated to the eve and this evening, after a holy merrymaking by the little ones by way of a Bala Sangamam, students from Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar, Aluva, staged a thematic drama presentation at Sai Kulwant Hall in Prasanthi Nilayam. read more »

Little Masters’ Voice by Kerala Balvikas…

Children from Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas – Kerala presented a programme entitled “Little Masters’ Voice” this morning on the eve of Onam here, in Prasanthi Nilayam. The offering was a compilation of devotional numbers, mainly in vernacular Malayalam, with ‘open’ prayers form part of the content, along with attributes of selected deities from the State. read more »

Devotional Kutcheri by Vaikom Vijayalakshmi…

Blind to the world outside, but bright within, visually challenged Vaikom Vijayalakshmi, who has overcome many odds in her life’s journey, is a story by herself.  Today, as God’s Own Country – Kerala’s Onam celebrations reached day 4 in Prasanthi Nilayam, the evening session witnessed an enthralling musical rendering by this gifted vocalist from Vaikom, the land known for housing the famous Vaikom Shiva Temple, popularly known as Southern Kashi.  read more »

Soulful devotionals by Kerala Youth…

As Onam celebrations by Kerala reached day – 4 today, Sai Youth from the State presented a soulful devotional offering at Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet this morning in Prasanthi Nilayam. read more »

Narayaneeyam, Speeches and Music…

As part of the ongoing Onam festivity the sacred Srimad Narayaneeyam Parayanam commenced at the Poornachandra Auditorium this afternoon and was attended by a sizeable contingent of devotees. Srimad Narayaneeyam condenses the 18000 slokas of the epic Srimad Bhagavatam into 1036 slokas while maintaining intact its philosophical and devotional contents.

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