A Celestial Caress…An Era Of Cosmic Oneness

A Celestial Caress…An Era Of Cosmic Oneness

From the tiniest atom to the supremely vast Brahmand, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, everything in this creation is vibrating with one single motive… Sukham… Happiness…. and Who else other than our Beloved Bhagawan, The Cosmic Creator, could recognise this pulse, the pulse of every jeevatma to regain its ‘Paramatma’ status…??? These chants of Cosmic proportions are indeed the panacea for this physical world, the antidote for all earthly problems…. as these chants do have the DIVINE INTENT embedded in it… In this epochal 90th year of His Advent, let’s all remind ourselves yet again of this magical MahaMantra For Cosmic Unity in the Era Of Cosmic Oneness. A beautiful poem by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri.

i made a vow to myself…
…i realise that…
…this vow in itself –
…is a vow to my Higher Self…
…i made a vow to my Soul…
…i made a vow to my Goal…
…i made a vow to make every fragment…
…transform into a Whole…
…i made a pledge…
…and in all sincerity…do i…
…softly beseech, You, Oh! Beloved Mother Sai…
..to so allow and endow efficacy upon my vow…
…indeed somehow…anyhow…
…i earnestly desire to be dedicated to my vow…
…so as to be committed to You sans reservation…
This vow knows You to be its inspiration…
For it syncs and assigns itself to -
Samastha Lokaah/Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu…
‘Peace for all beings…every atom of creation through…’

A Celestial Caress…An Era Of Cosmic Oneness

…if ‘Samastha Lokaah’ at a macro level…
…intends –
‘Peace for all beings in all the planets…’
‘Samastha Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu…’
…skims the micro…
…and is more personalised at best…
A fascinatingly expansive and propitious chant…
…that reverberates an intent so innately noble and selfless…
…that could wash away…redress…countless…
…karmic debts…

…i made a vow to myself, Dear God,
Cardinally true it is…
…that my Self is You, sweet Lord,
…i made a vow to my Soul…my chosen Goal…
…my Soul…is You, Oh! Beloved Bhagawan…
…it is You in all, Oh! Cherished One…
Other than You…there is none…
…Oh! Supreme Soul…my sole goal is You…

A Celestial Caress…An Era Of Cosmic Oneness

Through eons gone by…
…more so in this singularly spectacular Advent…
…as Loving Mother Sai…
…my gushing adoration You have wholeheartedly won…
You are the only One…
…the Infinite and Eternal One…
Oh! Ultimate Truth…
Oh! Sovereign Absolute…
All creatures great and small…
…emerge from You…
There is none else to turn to…

Compel, impel, propel me to love them all…
Guide and command me to serve them all…

A Celestial Caress…An Era Of Cosmic Oneness

Isn’t this the true meaning and purpose of –
‘Love All…Serve All…
Peace For All Beings…The Cosmos Through…?’
Isn’t this the way i truly prove i love You…?

Oh! Precious Lord,
…isn’t this what pleases You…?
That we all radiate Sukhino, Sukhino…
Samastha Lokaah Sukhino…
…that all hearts echo –
Samastha Lokaah/Samastha Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu…
Come and redeem us…Beloved Master…
Oh! Source of all Compassion…
…we entreat Thy Mercy…
Come and do us so bless…
…with a celestial caress…
…channel us into…
…an Era of Cosmic Oneness…

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II