Who Are You?

When attributeless God comes down in human form, amidst us, we keep wondering, asking Him questions many, as to Who He Is… bringing in attributes… Rhyming lines of deep devotion, here comes a poetic piece from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri.


Who Are You?

Some pray to You As Rama,

Some call out to You As Shiva,

Some say You Are Durga,

And to so many, You Are Krishna…


Just Who Are You?

Some say You Are Truth,

Others say You Are Love,

For so many You Are Compassion Incarnate,

Just Who Wre You?


To so many, You Are The Helper of the helpless – The Only Way Out,

And for others, The Only Refuge,

For some, You Are The Rays Of The Sun,

But Who Are You?


For some, You Are that Breath of fresh air,

For others, The Dream Come True,

There are those for whom You Are The Missing Link,

That they’ve always longed for,

Yet, Who Are You?


Who Are You?

What is my relationship with You?

Who am I?

For some, You take the place of… Mother and Father,

For others, The Closest Friend,

Yet, there are those for whom You Are The Most Beloved…


You Are Energy, You Are Light,

You Are Peace, You Are Truth beyond sight,

Supreme, Absolute, Infinite…


You Are Love,

You Are Our Source,

The Most Meaningful Thing life has known so far,

You Are The Supreme Personality Of Godhead,

You simply Are…


You Are not this, nor Are You That,

Not restricted by any form or any name,

Nor space, nor time…

You Are You,

And I am only because of You…

And if I can remove the ‘I’, there will be…only You.

My heart I offer You, my Lord,

As Nataraja when you play,

The drums,

Use my heart as Your dumroo…

When as the Divine Mother You need a place to reside,

The doors of my heart are open wide…

When You Are Krishna,

In Your Divine Hands, a hollow flute let my body be,

May my soul be filled with Thy Enchanting Melody…

When You Are Radha,

May my being resonate with that Supreme Bliss Of Divine Appeal,

That emanates only out of the bhakti that You for Yourself do feel…


And when As Sathya Sai,

As a boon and a blessing I do come across You,

And You look into my eyes too,

Let me, my Lord, dissolve… into You…

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II