The Soul Is Aware Only Of This…

The Soul Is Aware Only Of This…

HE Is verily The Breath Of Prasnthi… The Breath of entire humanity… The Breath of all beings… The Breath of entire creation… as HE Is verily The Source Of Eternity… Sri Sathya Sai Who chose to withdraw His physical frame hitherto on this day, 24th April, four years ago, is living with us… in us as our Soul Entity, guiding and guarding us… in seeking this Sri Sathya Sai one is sure seeking his or her own redemption, for Sathya Sai is verily THAT!!! Sri Jullie Chaudhuri reflects on the Beauty Beyond Compare, seeking many encores of the everlasting enchanting Divine beauty…

24th April 2011…
What does this day mean to you…what does it mean to me…?
What import does it have cosmically…?
Different sentiments felt by different folks…yet, underlying it all is the fact that a colossal void is left behind…quite obvious, totally inescapable and utterly unavoidable is the oft gnashing pain to see the Beloved One again…

That agony of separation that was experienced by Dasharath for Lord Rama…and that painful parting which was the cause of Ma Kaushalya’s supreme grief…so too, during the age of Dwapar…similar was the angst borne by Mother Yashoda and Nand Maharaj…

What about the sorrow and distress that plagued the being of Brindavan…the forests, the trees, tulsi/basil shrubs, the birds, the cows, calves and other animals…along with the woe of the mountain Govardhan and the humble anguish of the river Yamuna…?
…and what about the stinging soreness in the hearts of the gopikas…and their copious tears?
Can any mortal measure the excruciating extent of their ordeal…?

Can anyone count the stars in the sky…or the leaves upon the branches of the evergreen trees…or the drops of water that makeup the mighty oceans or the grains of sand upon the bosom of Mother Earth…? Can one weigh the amount of snow that make up the majestic Himalayas…?

Thus, what each devoted heart feels at the physical separation from the Supreme Being can never be gauged, determined or estimated…? We all are a part of the Source…of Beloved Bhagawan, however, does life have any lustre, any flavour…when we are away and…apart from Him…?

The Soul Is Aware Only Of This…

Inexplicable was the torment in each brijvasi’s soul…ever so colossal…then, where does this partition place us all…? Treta, Dwapar and Kaliyug…Rama, Krishna and Sathya Sai…Who can gauge the woe of a devoted heart…of an aspirant, of a devotee…of any person who was aware of Beloved Bhagawan as the solitary Mother and Father …the sole Parent – a gleeful child…up until 24th April 2011.

His Omnipresence notwithstanding, even in midst of a crowd, surrounded by friends and family…the ‘gleeful child’ now faces life often alone as an orphan alone.
The lines from the qawwali often sung in the Divine Presence – Sai bin raha na jaaye…jabsey hai dekha Tujhko Sai merey…darsh ke pyase nayana saanjh saverey… chaen na aaye mohe chaen na aaye…Sai bin raha na jae…keep resounding…

Oh! Beloved Sai…we can’t live without You… ever since these eyes first rested upon You…they have solely sought glimpses of You through each moment of dusk and day… immensely restless are we…for Thee…do not  turn away from us…Sai, we can’t live without You…

The Soul Is Aware Only Of This…

Having experienced the Lord’s wondrous Presence,
…that mystique,
…that graceful gait,
…that charm,
…that compassion and sweet motherly interaction,
…that stern fatherly concern,
…that exclusive attention,
…that twinkling creative gaze and flow of inspiration,
…that personal loving touch,
…that pat on the back,
…that distinctly made up for any and every kind of lack…
…that Vision of Glory…
…that glorious vision…of the petal soft Lotus Feet…
…of the coveted abhaya hasta…the hand raised in bountiful  blessing…
…that unforgettable voice…the songs He did sing…
…the unparalleled joy it brings…
…that melody that pierces the depths…the core…
…who doesn’t want more…much, much, much, more…?
Unabashedly i do say – i do…i do…i do…want more…!

The Soul Is Aware Only Of This…

Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence is eternal…it always is and always will be…the intangible does give delight…we all experience it in perhaps every bit that does vibrate around us and that does swirl and surround us…yet, the joy of His Presence is matchless…Beauty Beyond Compare…such is the bliss of the Beloved One’s Darshans.
So have we recovered…? Has Prashanti recovered…can one ever ‘recover’…from an ‘episode’ of such a massive magnitude as this…? So, what does Prashanti’s stoic calm belie…do we ever get to hear her wishful sigh…for the soft footfall of Beloved Sathya Sai…?
…and what of Puttaparthi…?

Mother Devaki and Mother Yashoda…both adored their Krishna. Puttaparthi and Prassanthi…what do these ‘mothers’ feel for their precious ‘Sai…their little Sathya…their Sai Rama…their very own Sathya Sai Krishna…?

So many thoughts…feelings flow on…
…gushing forth like a never-ending stream…
Memories swirl and beam…choosing to remain evergreen…
…and the heart does constantly, continuously reminisce…
Right now, the soul is aware of only this…
…His unfathomable mystery, mystique and mission is known to none…
His charismatic Persona endears Him to all…
His transcendental ways do baffle, amaze and stun…
He is the Creator and…
His script for the benefit of creation is supremely precise…
…intricately…ever so finely spun…
Right now, the soul is aware of only this…
His Will is that indomitable, absolute Power…
…that brought about creation…
His Word is the word of Sathya…of Truth…
…the Sathya of Sathya Sai always holds true…

The Soul Is Aware Only Of This…

…for His Word, you see, is the Word of God Almighty…
His Will, His Power, His Word…
…propels us on…shepherds us into…
…stimulating, fructifying, inducing a Glorious Genesis…
Right now, the soul is aware of only this…
…though the cosmic realms of the intangible renders bliss…
…without His Darshans…
…there is an invariable ‘something is amiss’…
Right now, the soul is aware of only this…
…the era of Sathya Sai has much more in store…
…a refrain reverberates in the depths of the core…
He is…and we are His…
He is eternal and infinite…and eternally, infinitely we are His…

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II