Archive for 2014

Why Ladies’ Day?
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Ms Rita Bruce, author of four fast selling books on Bhagawan including the popular “Sathya Sai Parenting”, has been a long time devotee. She has travelled to 18 countries overseas as a great speaker at public meetings, conferences and seminars on the Philosophy and Teachings of Bhagawan, besides being a facilitator for the material contained in her writings, especially Sathya Sai Parenting and Love of Conscience. read more »
Posted in Reflections
Devotional ‘Musical Sandhya’ by Kaajal Chandiramani…
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
On the first evening of the week-long 89th Birthday celebrations of Bhagawan, talented Hindi/Sufi singer Ms Kaajal Chandiramani offered a ‘Musical Sandhya’ today here in Prasanthi Nilayam. The offering had an assortment of popular devotional numbers.
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Posted in Prasanthi News
Celestial Marriage and Chariot Festival…
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
‘God’s were present’…, Vedic Chants reverberated… Scriptural Rituals were observed…, Percussive Intonations sang backdrop melody… and Lord Sri Ramachandra tied Bridal Mangala Sutra on Mother Sita… thus Prasanthi witnessed the commencement of week-long Birthday celebrations…
Posted in Prasanthi News
Violin Concert by Child Prodigy Sayee Rakshit…
Monday, November 17, 2014
On the eve of the commencement of the 89th Birthday celebrations of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai, Child Prodigy and upcoming Violinist Sayee Rakshith from Chennai offered a captivating Violin Concert this evening here in Prasanthi Nilayam. read more »
Posted in Prasanthi News
Electric Buggies pressed into service…
Monday, November 17, 2014
Facilitating pilgrims to commute at ease two Electric Buggies have been pressed into service here in Prasanthi Nilayam this morning. Electric Buggies are battery operated vehicles, used in-campus, for commuting people, luggages etc. read more »
Posted in Prasanthi News

Love Is ‘COOL’ like Ice-cream…
Friday, November 14, 2014
Ice cream can be compared with Nirguna Brahmam…and the melting Ice cream can be called Saguna Brahmam… Using the imagery of Ice cream, Bhagawan, in His inimitable style of punning, taught the tiny tots from the Primary School the profound spiritual lesson of the ‘sixth-element’ called L – O – V – E. … Prof Kasturi’s son, Late Dr MVN Murthy chronicled the beautiful incident on an enchanting Sunday morning in ‘heavenly’ Prasanthi Nilayam… read more »
Posted in Reflections, Reliving Timeless Memories, Straight From The Heart

Dharma is misunderstood
Thursday, November 13, 2014
What is meant by Dharma? What is the essence of Dharma? Can common people lead a happy life and survive if they stick to Dharma? Naturally, these doubts confuse the mind in the course of life, discoursed Bhagawan explaining the dark clouds loom over the righteous farbic of society… Despite God Himself telling it, in language never spoken earlier, men of today have not leant the right lessons…The world around, happenings around indicate that man continues to ignore the Divine Call…over and over again…let’s pay heed… read more »
Posted in Discourses, Sathya Sai Speaks

Who Is Sai???
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Who on earth understands the Supreme Divine descended as Sri Sathya Sai??? Bhagawan Himself asserts that He Is beyond the reach of the most intensive inquiry and the most meticulous measurement… Yet, out of His infinite love, time and again Bhagawan has spoken about Himself, revealing interesting facets of His Supreme Avataric Mission. Excerpted from Bhagawan’s Divine discourse delivered on June 19, 1974.
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

Ananya Bhakti…
Monday, November 10, 2014
How many of us do get immersed in the melodic, enchanting music of Sai Krishna’s flute, completely intoxicated, forgetting our own selves??? Bhagawan narrates the essence of true, unparalleled devotion…Ananya Bhakthi… From Bhagawan’s Divine discourse at Abbotsbury, Chennai, on 19 Jan 1986. read more »
Posted in Indelible Impressions, Sadhana - The Inward Path, Sai Spiritual Showers, Sathya Sai Speaks, Sathyam Sivam Sundaram, Storytime With Baba, Straight From The Heart
Akhanda Bhajan 2014 concludes in Prasanthi Nilayam…
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Twenty Four hours into its initiation, Akhanda Bhajan 2014 for Universal Peace came to a close at 1800 hrs. with Mangala Arathi to Bhagawan here in Prasanthi Nilayam today. Commenced at 1800 hrs. on Saturday evening, the Bhajans continued nonstop for twenty-four hours with men and women leading by turns. read more »
Posted in Prasanthi News