Ishwara Parama Krishna

Can anyone describe the attributeless Divine descended with infinite attributes? When devotion peaks to exalted heights any attempt in this line becomes an enriched offering at The Supreme Lotus Feet of the Cosmic Enchanter. Reveling the nectar of Krishna Consciousness Sri Jullie Chaudhuri sings paeans to the Lord Supreme on the occasion of Sri Krishna Janmashtami.


Oh! Krishna…
Oh! Ishwara Parama Krishna…
…You are the Primeval One…
…the Origin…the Source…
…the Principal Force…
Oh! Thee…Most Glorious…
Pure, Pristine, Perfect Being…
Thoughts of Thee…
Oh! Most Radiantly Transcendental Absolute…
…make the heart smile in sweet delight…
…the soul rests in Thee…
…forever steadfast and resolute…
…having withstood …
…trials and travails through epochs…
…a focus that never beheld any substitute…
…dancing in silent ecstasy to the mesmeric sound of Thy flute…

Oh! Thee,
Attributeless One…with infinite attributes,
What a wondrously appealing Form…
…as Sri Krishna did You don…
…shades and tints of blue…
…so eternally You…
Oh! Omniscient Lord…
…surely You know…
…that the color of the sky just before twilight…
…and blue lotus blossoms too…
…those tones of azure…
…incessantly remind me of You…
Even now,
When You chose to Advent as Sai…
…as Sathya Sai…
…the orange hues of a dazzling sunset…
…continues to light the mind with Thee anew…
Thy Captivating Sight…
…drenches the being with enchanting delight…
Oh! Thee, most Magnificent, Exalted and Eternal…
…most Magnificently Exalted…
And Eternally Magnificent…
You know how i long for You…
Then why, Beloved Soul…
…do You take so very long…
…to come into view…?
Though soaked and immersed in Thy essence…
…i seek Thy Presence…
…those Eyes that surpass the beauty…
…of fresh Lotus blooms…
…dark curly locks that are crowned with peacock plumes…
…and tender petal soft Feet…
…that are perennially reminisced…
…and adored by Gopikas with every heartbeat…
…as well as by those passionately devout…
…who persistently and eagerly do Thee entreat…

Oh! Ishwara Parama Krishna,
Oh! Supreme Personality of Godhead…
Sactchidananda Vigraha,
Anadir Adi Govinda,
Sarva Kaarana Kaarana…
There is none equal to or higher than Thee…

Oh! Thee as Govinda are the Ultimate Almighty…
…combining and signifying -
Eternal Truth…
Pure Consciousness…
All Knowledge…All Bliss…
Oh! The bliss of…
…Thy Form ever so Blissful…
…the Universal Cause of all Cause…
…Oh! Exquisitely Resplendent Beloved Soul of the Cosmos…
Oh! Ishwara Parama Krishna…

Oh! Krishna…
…my feelings for You…
…with each second that careens by…
…to You…i do constantly bare…
…of Your Presence within…
…i remain profoundly aware…
…steadfast sentiments impervious to impair…
…You reside in my heart…
…a part…a precious part…a part…
…never even for an infinitesimal second…

Existence knows and desires…
…only to revel itself in Your Essence…
…through it all i search and seek…
…seek…seek only Thee…Thy cherished Presence…
Each and every cell of my being…
…each particle around me…shimmers…
…with Thy luminescence…
…embossed in everything is Thy Enchanting Image…
Through mundane meanderings…
…as well as stormy worldly upheavals…
…You signify a Cosmic Anchorage…
Yet, Your mystical depths none can ever gauge…
Oh! Krishna…Oh! Krishna…
Oh! Ishvara Parama Krishna…

Oh Krishna, quite explicitly…
…honestly and openly do i declare,
You have been my treasured secret…
…ad infinitum…
…completely beyond compare…
Oh! Perfect One…
…oft does the mind in deep reverie…
…finds itself upon the shores of the holy Yamuna…
…recalling divine moments at Brindavan…

Gokul and Mathura…
Therein…lovingly as yet…
…in the lanes and by lanes…
…resounds Thy innumerable names…

…the heart does a mental Parikrama…
…of the landscape…
…reverentially touching the earth…
…the hallowed dust along the route…
Oh! Respectful Yashomatimaiyya…
…most noble Mother by far…
…may i cuddle your darling Kanhaiyya…
…allow me this privilege…
…if only for a euphoric moment…
…for…the grace of a boon such as this…
…there will never be an equivalent…
Oh! Yamunaji…Mother Yamuna…
…most fortunate a river you are…
…as is Mother Chitravathi…
…a silent witness to glorious pastimes…
…through countless seasons and climes…
Oh! Krishna…Jai Sri Krishna…Sai Krishna…
Isvara Parama Krishna…

Oh! Most modest and immaculately virtuous Gopikas…
…may i listen to the sound of Your Kanha’s flute…
You all do belong to Krishna…
…and He interminably belongs to you…
…now, heed my humble request…kindly allow me to…
…hear that mellifluous tune…

Oh! Cows and calves of Brindavan…
…for a while…sans a pause…
…grant me the blessed fortune…
…that may i become one of you…
…and perchance receive Gopala’s tender care too…

Oh! Dear Gopas…sweet friends of Keshava…
…may i join in the frolic and play with Madhava…

Oh! Mother Tulsi, permit me…
…to offer myself as worship to Madhusudhan…

…Oh! Nidhivan…Madhuvan…
…may i blend with…
…the soil within your everlastingly sanctified garden…
…to then be tread upon by Nandandanan…
…during the sublime spiritual play…
…between Prakriti and Purusha…
…termed as the ‘Ras Lila’…
…in accordance to the Cosmic Theme…
…the individual soul merging with the Soul Supreme…
…Sri Radha and Lord Krishna…
…creation and the Creator…
…the shimmering rays…and the Blazing Sun…
…the frolicsome waves and the Endless Ocean…
…the inherent power and the Powerful One…

Oh! Radharani…
You represent the Aadhar…the support of Krishna…
Oh! Mother Divine…Oh! Supreme Shakti…
…allow me cherished glimpses of Beloved
 Banke Bihari…

…to then fulfil the purpose of my life joyfully…
Oh! Krishna…please accept my adoration of Thee…
Oh! Krishna…Oh! Krishna…
Beloved, beloved Krishna…
Sactchidananda Vigraha…
Anadir Adi Govinda…
Sarva Karana Karana…
Hey Ishvara…Oh! Krishna…
Krishna…Parama Krishna…
Oh! Partheishvara…
Oh! Lord of the Universe…
…earnest are the sentiments that implore Thee…
…accept these loving, loving salutations…
…offered unto Thee…
…along with a precious plea…
…that has been uttered by -
…as well as others time and again through many an era…
…echoed a zillion times over…
…and placed at the sacred altar…
…dedicated solely to Thee…
Oh! Thee most Matchlessly Sovereign Avatar…
Ishvara Parama…
Parama Krishna…
Ishvara Parama Krishna…
Sri Krishna Ishwara…Sri Saieshwara…
Oh! Ishvara Parama Sri Sai Krishna…

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II