Kya Aapne Bhagawan Ko Dekha Hey?
Monday, March 17th, 2014
Mar 17,2014: Prasanthi Nilayam…On the second day of the Holi celebrations, youth from the twin States of Bihar and Jharkhand presented an ‘autobiographical’ drama entitled “Kya Aapne Bhagawan Ko Dekha Hey?” last evening here in Prasanthi Nilayam.

With two main characters, the protagonist “Vivekananda” alongwith intermittent appearance of “Takkur Ramakrishna”, the presentation depicted the most illustrious journey of spiritual awakening of young Naren to Swami Vivekananda.

Beginning with an awakening call from the protaganist, a clarion call to awaken the Vivekananda lying dormant within, breaking barriers of all sorts, the drama presented young Naren’s initial life, first meeting with Takkur Sri Ramakrishna, subsequent life at the Master’s Feet with growing inquisitiveness to know the Real Truth. The presentation in Hindi was powered with powerful dialogues intermittent with inspirational songs.

The drama ended with an elightened Vivekananda’s clarion call to serve the Motherland.

Earlier, the programme commenced at 1700 hrs. with a brief introductory speech by one of the veteran devotees from Bihar & Jharkhand, speaking on the significance of Holi celebrations.

At the end of the presentation bhajans continued and ended with Mangala Arathi at 1820 hrs.

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
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