“This One Is Mine”

“This One Is Mine”

One of the finest prayers that man could ever pose unto God was scripted by God Himself, as Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This is a prayer of contentment, listing out a few ‘i do nots’ and ‘i shall nots’. Read on a timeless message from Bhagawan, penned for the 59th Birthday issue.


I do not need any riches; for, why should I?

A carefree mind is enough, O Father,

That is a Million for me!

I shall not yearn for Fortune; for, why should I?

A smile-lit face is enough, O Father,

That is a Million for me!

I shall not pine and want: for, why should I?

A glance from Thy Eye is enough, O Father,

That is a Million for me!

I shall not crave for Wealth; for, why should I?

The joy of being Thine is enough, O Father,

That is a Million for me!

Enough for me these things I have,

Whatever Thou hast gifted now;

Why think of getting more?

I’ll have them when Thou wishest;

Enough for me Thy un-diminishing Grace

Which falls on all whom Thou hast blessed,

With the words: “This one is Mine.”

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II