XXXI Annual Convocation Of SSSIHL…

Get the degree of Educare; Bliss of the self is Educare exhorted Bhagawan ‘delivering’ Divine Benedictory Address on the occasion of XXXI Convocation of SSSIHL this morning here in Prasanthi Nilayam.

XXXI Annual Convocation of SSSIHL was held at the Sai Kulwant Hall in Prasanthi Nilayam marked with a glittering ceremony.

XXXI Annual Convocation Of SSSIHL…

Unique, imparting free education promoting human values with spiritual orientation, Sri Sathya Sai Institute has been the beacon of hope for a new world order, engendering thousands upon thousands of students for the past three decades, ever since its inception.

XXXI Annual Convocation Of SSSIHL…

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning was instituted in the year 1981 to provide value based education, absolutely free of cost, and has the unique distinction of being one of the very few institutions that impart emphasis on total value based education.

XXXI Annual Convocation Of SSSIHL…

Besides education, the students are taught human values, morality and spirituality with the five cardinal human values of Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa being the backbone of all teachings. The Institution has three campuses, a Women’s Campus in Anantapur set up in the year 1968, Men’s Campus at Brindavan in Whitefield, Bangalore set up in 1969 and the Men’s Campus at Prasanthi Nilayam set up in 1981. This institution has the unique distinction of being accorded Double Plus Level Higher Rating (Highest Grade) certification by the National Accreditation and Assessment Council.

XXXI Annual Convocation Of SSSIHL…

The Convocation ceremony commenced at 1100 hrs. with a grand regal procession, from the Yajur Mandir, led by the Institute Brass Band. As is customary, two students carried the Scepter on one side while the Registrar of the Institute carried the Ceremonial Mace.

XXXI Annual Convocation Of SSSIHL…

The dais, the Seat Of The Divine Chancellor, was arranged in front of the Sanctum Sanctorum.  Chief Guest to the Convocation, flanked by former VCs, academicians, members of the academic council and other officials were seated on the dais.

Ceremonial Veda chanting followed. Submitting himself at His Lotus Feet, Vice Chancellor, Prof. J. Sashidhara Prasad prayed to the Founder ‘Divine’ Chancellor to declare the convocation open. To the delight of a capacity audience, Divine Chancellor’s beatific voice rung in the air…”I Declare The Convocation Open…” and the assembly went into rapturous applause.

XXXI Annual Convocation Of SSSIHL…

Offering Pranams to Bhagawan, the Vice Chancellor exuded confidence that the graduands of the year would become torch bearers of His vision and mission, fulfilling His ‘dream’ of a peaceful world. Mentioning about the unavailability of the current Chancellor Justice (Retd.) PN Bhagavati, owing to ill-health, the Vice Chancellor extended a cordial welcome to the entire assembly into the morning’s function, before introducing the Chief Guest at the Convocation.

Presenting the colourful profile of the Chief Guest, the Vice Chancellor also spoke about the substantial progress made by the Institute over the past one year that include induction of the new campus in Muddenahalli, new courses at various campuses, greater thrust given in the area of research and development, new initiatives in the area of value based education etc., to name a few.

XXXI Annual Convocation Of SSSIHL…

The Chief Guest for the Convocation Dr. Anil Kakodkar is currently Homi Bhabha Chairperson at the Baba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai and was formerly Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission of India.

Graduates for the year were presented to the Founder Chancellor followed by the Institute Oath, administered by the Vice Chancellor. The Oath reads: “I hereby solemnly declare and promise that if admitted to the degree duly recommended I will in my thought, word and deed, support the cause of sound learning, morality and spirituality, all round welfare of my countrymen and fellow men.”

XXXI Annual Convocation Of SSSIHL…

Gold medals to various degrees were presented to the students by the Vice Chancellor. Twenty two students were presented with various gold medals for academic excellence, instituted in honour of distinguished personalities. Three students were conferred with doctoral degrees.

XXXI Annual Convocation Of SSSIHL…

Chief Guest’s Convocation address followed:

Offering obeisance to Bhagawan, the distinguished chief guest began his Convocation Address with a special comment on Bhagawan’s University, calling it a special one with unique features.

XXXI Annual Convocation Of SSSIHL…

Congratulating graduands of the year, reminding them of the significance of the day, the learned speaker divulged into various areas concerning present day education, socio-economic transformation and the need for nation building in a changing paradigm.

Education is the key ingredient in character building and socio-economic transformation said Dr. Kakodkar adding that education has the positive influence in empowering human capital to convert it into a major constructive force to propel nation development. Elucidating on a new Education Paradigm shift, Dr Kakodkar echoed on the need to create and nurture a holistic learning environment. Emphasising on high quality research in Universities he said that such developments would help to make our education more holistic and build an ecosystem nurturing the spirit of innovation.

XXXI Annual Convocation Of SSSIHL…

India with a great cultural backdrop and time tested value system should take advantage of its demographic advantage of its youth. The countryshould be aware of the fast embracing knowledge driven economy worldwide and the fast changing technology;  we need to be conscious of the impact of these rapid transactions and prepare our societies to benefit out of it.

We are in a way passing through a critical phase in our country. Are we well prepared for this transformation? How are we to respond proactively to the emerging situation? …paused Dr Kakodkar ending his speech hoping that students will retain the spirit of trusteeship and contribute substantially to the institution that brought them up and to the society and to the nation at large.

XXXI Annual Convocation Of SSSIHL…

This was followed by the Benedictory Address by the Founder Chancellor, the video of which was played on LED screens, echoing the ashram precincts.

Discoursing on education and who is a true student, Bhagawan said to be away from unwanted, ephemeral and fleeting, Bhagawan asked the students to protect Truth and Righteousness. Welfare of humanity is ensured when Truth is protected; entire universe rests in Truth and Righteousness.

National Anthem was sung followed by Mangala Arathi at 1230 hrs. before the University Band retreated leading the procession back to Yajur Mandir.

II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II